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Selena Gomez Good at the Critic’s Choice Awards of the Day

I just did a post on Bieber’s weak wife who gets strokes at 25 like some kind of crackhead, so I figure it’s only right to post the girl he left for the broken one, Selena Gomez….who I watched in the Steve Martin / Martin Short / Podcast mystery on Disney the last few days accidentally and thought she was pretty emotionless, but definitely not irritating, and had NO idea she was nominated for a CRITIC CHOCIE award, which is meaningless….but still something….

However, I accidentally watched the first 30 minutes of the Critic’s Choice awards, and found out she was nominated….because she was on the red carpet looking hot in this red dress…

Yes, despite hating award shows and Hollywood in general, I watched an award show, because I figured if I didn’t, no one would….but I didn’t watch all of it, becaus it was terrible, woke…..

I guess sometimes you have to put yourself through the shit you hate, maybe even start a website about the thing you hate, and post about it for 18 fucking years daily….you know because there’s a variety of self abusive behavior, from hard drugs and drinking, to self mutilation to release all that anger, rage and mental anguish of being a human in the most lazy era of society, hence all the fucking whining…

Anyway, it was a nice reminder that Hollywood is fucking trash, these people are fucking trash, their comedy is fucking trash….because the only GOOD joke of the night was from RAY ROMANO about his wife and him not having sex…

You know when RAY ROMANO brings the “BANGERS” you’re in a bad place in society..unless of course you see all the woke, inclusive, UKRAINE agenda as parody or satire, which I do….these narcissists don’t care about anything….but they like hearing themselves talk apparently….

I made it to the HALLE BERRY speech and I just had to turn it off, she forgets she’s as white as she is black, so her black plight seems more delusional than anything to me…then the whole speech about women needing their own stories because women are this, and that, and this and that…she had a rant…that no one fucking cared to hear…we get it…women are women…and guess what…WOMEN have been writing TV and MOVIES and RADIO NOVELLAS…and books, and novels, SINCE the beginning of the industry…so this revisionist history that it’s a WHITE MAN world is just idiotic…in the 1950s the most popular show was an “interracial” show…in the 1950s…so fuck off…

Anyway…I accidentally watched the critic’s choice award and if anything was to make you NEVER want to be a part of HOLLYWOOD…that is probably it….but Selena Gomez was there, didn’t win apparently, but looked amazing, and that’s better than having a stroke….

To See the Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

I just saw these bikini pics of her, I probably already posted them, but why not post them again!

Posted in:Selena Gomez