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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t think every weed smoking babe is a slobby lazy alternative girl…because I know hot chicks who smoke weed….but as a generation of slobby lazy alternative girls is the norm…

I do think the kind of girl who uses weed as a prop or marketing hook, you know as one of their “Activities” or “talents” on their RESUME….”I SMOKE WEED” so seriously that I brand myself as a WEED smoker are probably not the coolest group of weed smokers out there…

Even when I was smoking weed in High School and felt like a rebel because of it, I didn’t wear WEED merch, and brag about how much weed I smoke in the day, it seems pretty dumb….or at least like something a try hard would do….

But MAYBE, just maybe, these people FUCKING love weed, I mean it is God’s plant with all kinds of health benefits, industrial health benefits, open your mind, spread PEACE AND LOVE, like some kind of HIPPIE, even though the hippies were just a psyop designed to destroy the nuclear family, like making weed illegal was a psyop to prevent people from opening their THIRD EYE, while not replacing tons of polluting, chemicals, pharmaceuticals with a sustainable, organic, material that was GIFTED to humans and SHOULD be fucking used…..

If you’re so compelled to smoke it, and you have a vagina, you might as well do it naked, half naked, for pervert WEED demons…or just people passing through who like to stare at the tits without caring what activism is being used as the reason to share the tits….

Fascinating post…

Posted in:Weed