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On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I wonder when “On/Off” will get its own TV show, like “Is it Cake”, not that I even know why I know about “This is Cake”, but because it sounds like a simple enough concept for the general population of mouth breathing useless eaters that make the movie Idocracy a little too familiar….

The show, FILM PRODUCERS OUT THERE WRITE THIS DOWN AND GIVE ME A PERCENTAGE, but the IDEA…would be….have a girl stand in front of a panel of judges clothed, then nude, then rate them…with numbers on signs, to make them feel rightfully objectified like in the olden days when we could judge a girl on a number scale…..maybe the finalists go onto a clothed and unclothed challenge…so we can see their clothed body vs their nude body in motion…we can figure that part out easily….

The point of the show would be rating naked chicks, but we could spin it to be something more culturally relevant, maybe throw some transgenders in there to keep it woke, that segment could be called a “Trap or Pass”…..I don’t know, we’re just spitballing here, because On/Off’s are hot and we need to make them mandatory…or at least a bigger deal than they already are.

I believe in the on/off movement….and you should too…

Posted in:OnOff