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Hot Russian Model Let’s You Know How She Feels about Chanel of the Day

All I have to say is that the Ukraine / Russia thing is one of the most insane things I’ve seen since COVID, only because people in USA and CANADA who know nothing about Ukraine or Russia have decided that this is a Comic book movie and that it is GOOD VS EVIL, and for whatever reason, Putin is being marketed as Evil, while some actor, with a production studio, who is probably running the show out of his mansion in Miami, while letting the Neo Nazi militias do his dirty work, while he just produces weird ass anti-Russian propaganda, for the world to embrace and make a hero out of him, even inviting him to speak at the Grammys, even getting Sean Penn to threaten to melt down his Oscars because he’s a fucking puppet too..

Maybe they are ALL evil…and we don’t need t pick sides….because I’m not saying I’m pro Russia, or that I know anything going on there, because I am an idiot, but not as idiotic as the people who blindly support one side, BEGGING people, or brands to hop on the train and boycott Russian citizens, like they have anything to do with it…NUTS. It’s the weirdest discrimination.

I also think Russian women are the most substantial women out there, so seeing this model, rich as shit react to Chanel in the best way, by cutting up her purse, is brilliant.

Fuck Chanel and their scamming High Fashion, sell trash to idiots for huge profits, because celebrities tricked people into thinking it’s quality, and everyone needs to flex their wealth….making this video pretty great.

Her name is VICTORIA and she’s fucking huge on IG.

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