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Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed Wednesday is a celebration of girls who have decided that smoking weed is a marketing hook for their social media hustle, maybe create a niche in the space and get free bongs from weed companies, as they need people to advertise with, since they aren’t advertising here anymore…

I always hated the whole head shop stoner in the high school movies, or really in everyday life, because smoking weed doesn’t need to be so theatrical and lame….you don’t need a pot leaf beanie and a stick of dirt with some shitty white boy dreads and a weird love for reggae to smoke weed…if anything, you kinda ruin it….it’s cosplay, pretentious, stoner/slacker pretentiousness…just smoke weed.

BUT when girls get half naked with their weed, for their weed, because weed is still illegal in a lot of places for no good reason, I can ignore how silly the posturing of weed model is, and focus on the tits, even if some of them look like they like weed a little too much for the munchies and not for the other health benefits.

In conclusion, you should all be smoking weed.

Posted in:Weed