Demi Lovato, now a They, Alien Communicator because she suffered mental illness from a life of being sold off and sexualized by a disgusting industry that has led to perverts like me posting her bullshit like I fucking care or like if fucking. matters, not that I believe in Mental Illness when it comes to famous people, it is just a great excuse for victimhood and something no one contests but instead feel sorry for and cry about together in some fucking group therapy sessions they can afford because they are overpaid trash, while people with real mental illness are over here thinking that every van that drives by is about to abduct them for writing “conspiracy theories” on the internet….
What I am sayin is there is actual crazy and there is Disney Kid rich brat who gets away with everything because she’s surrounded by yes men that make money off her, and we all know what category she falls into.
She’s posing with sex toys, now that sex toys are normalized, everyone MASTURBATE, except maybe the 10,000 dollar sex doll you’re dating, that’s still weird…but a little vibe to help a girl cum, in an era of chronic masturbating perverts isn’t all that edgy, but for a Disney Kid to be pushing it, you can figure out exactly what agenda these monsters are pushing onto your kids.
The funny thing is that it took her becoming “TRANS” or a NON BINARY THEY to start putting out slutty content with her tits out….
Not that I like Demi Lovato, she’s serious last week’s kitchen garbage trash….but if she has to exist, and she does exist, too much invested in her and not just Valderamma semen, but other semen too….too many fans…to not let. her run with this low level NORMIE dabbling in BDSM for some instant gratification or a “tickle” from an orgasm to release her depleted dopamine to make her feel better about herself….and for those of us who have been jerking off 10 times a day for the last 40 years…it’s hardly that exciting to see bitches trying to act empowered or like they are revolutionaries because they have’s like they haven’t met any 40 year old housewives from Ohio who have had all the sex toys for the last hundred fucking years….
It’s sad when perv shit goes DISNEY and all the FUN gets sucked out of it for a man who has made PERV shit his only interest his entire existence….and not to get ahead doing it, if anything, it backfired and prevented me from making real money with a website that had a lot of traffic between 2004-2010…all these fucks coming out of the woodwork trying to monetize our pervert existence and succeeding….FUCKERS.
Posted in:Demi Lovato