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Archive for the Demi Lovato Category




Demi Lovato Not Dead of the Day

Demi Lovato looks like she’s been on the Ozempic kick, getting those face injections, jacking herself into looking like a sex doll muppet the girls seem to want to look like when they age out.

Plus, she was a heroin addict, so anything to avoid that crackhead looking face the heroin addicts have.

What I don’t like about Demi Lovato, besides her lack of hotness, is her annoying perpetuating that mental health issues are real, or that addiction is a disease.

I am a firm believer that if you can’t handle your heroin, you shouldn’t be doing heroin, and if you chose to do heroin, you should expect to die doing heroin.

Since losing some friends to heroin many years ago, I’ve been a passionate Narcan protestor, if you don’t respect your life, than either do I.

Which is why Demi Lovato should be dead, or at least cancelled for being a terrible influencer.

Acting like she’s a hero or a survivor is offensive….

They’ll cancel a dude for jerking off on the phone with interns…they’ll lock Weinstein up for raping whores but they won’t cancel the kind of celebrity that survives heroin.

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato is Still a They/Them/It/Thing to Me of the Day

I don’t really subscribe to the pronoun movement, especially when it’s for attention from some opiate addicted spoiled brat entitled piece of pig shit like Demi Lovato….

HOWEVER, upon seeing her disgusting and shameless pictures of her gross tits that survived a drug overdose…unfortunately…

I am forced to comply with her LIBTARD logic and AGREE with her…she is definitely a fucking THEY THEM, because there’s enough of her to justify being two people but I prefer to call her an IT….or a thing…because…..WHAT IS THIS GROSS THING ANYWAY….

Apparently, she dropped her non-binary, genderless propaganda but she’s still an IT TO ME….

Some OVERDOSES are meant to go to completion…BAN NARCAN…which conveniently these pictures make me think she did die of the overdose and these are the pictures of her corpse face posed like WEEKEND AT BERNIE’s because her next of KIN want to keep on earnin


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Non Binary Titty Pop of the Day

I don’t know if Demi Lovato is a GENDER ISSUE BAITER, meaning she used the whole pronoun shit as either a marketing hook to remind everyone she’s a fucking brain damaged drug addict, or she was trying to market the concept for her handlers that want the world confused as fuck about their genders, which a lot of really sad and weird people have embraced as a means to get attention…

So she could still be a she, or maybe she’s publicly a THEY for attention like most other THEY/THEMS who need to fuck themselves and make a baby since they are plural.

Anyway, the THEY/THEM that was has been glammed up harder than a tranny trying to pass since her announcement, and today she’s got all the make-up, filters and fillers she needs to look like she’s either a gutter porn chick trying to be hot, a middle aged rich suburban mom trying to be hot, a dude who wants to be a chick cuz they get all they want trying to be hot, or a heroin addict trying to be hot…

With the tits pushed up, shirt being spread open like a flasher, or super hero saying “here are my heroin addict tits” before getting jerked off on for 10 dollars to buy heroin with….I am almost digging the pig pop star because this bloated tranny look is so whorish and I like whores…I don’t like Demi Lovato, I think she should have died of the overdose, or at least have her career die since kids stupidly look up to her, but I’ll still watch a Disney corny chick go edgy and hard while looking like a muppet which is intellectual property her Disney handlers also own, so it all comes full circle and so should you.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Non Binary Cleavage of the Day

Demi Lovato is showing off her Love/Fear or Fear/Love tattoos on her shoulders to let ya’ll know how edgie the now old as shit child star is…unless this is more about her showing off her cleavage, which isn’t really hot cleavage, more like heroin addict who has bounced around in weight due to her heroin addiction, stretching out the tit into some sloppy fucking mess that requires a tight dress to give it any kind of cleavage…

It’s still cleavage, that would arguably be better if it was dead cleavage, not because I am some gothic necrophiliac that Demi Lovato looks like she’d probably date with this dark past, dark hair, dark dress, tattooed and nose pierced look….I just think that if you/re a heroin addict on the public level with so many kids as fan, having an overdose and then being rewarded for it by being given another chance because she can leverage the comeback as a legitimate comeback, exploiting the overdose as a marketing hook, is not a good moral of the story….

The good moral of the story is dead or vegetative state, not just because it would make her easier to finger bang in the event you were working where she was being housed, but because kids should see their idols die from bad decisions, not thrive as a comeback story, even if people like a good comeback story, heroin overdoses don’t deserve comeback stories…which is why the BAN NARCAN campaign is so important to people who don’t have loved ones who have been saved by NARCAN after a good nod…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Swimsuit of the Day

Demi Lovato is not dead.

However, she is all big smiles in the pool with her tits out, a little too happy for a heroin addict as far as I’m concerned. I never trust a heroin addict with such a happy demeanor, clearly she’s either a fake addict for attention, or she’s faking it for the social media hustle….

I never thought Lovato was hot, interesting, hot, sexy, hot, worthy of her celebrity from being an exploited child star who was given to handler Wilmer Valderama, you know back when she was more managed while making money for her team, before the whole falling off hard with her drug overdoses….

Despite the drug overdose, she has overcome. Which makes me think it was a psy-op to normalize addiction and be like, get on heroin kids, do it like me, it won’t impact your brand deals, your record deals, your celebrity, if anything it’ll make you more edgy and cool and less like a candy coated coddled cunt…..


I mean, rich person heroin addiction is far less fun that homeless prostitute sucking dick on the streets because she has no internet access or a phone heroin addiction….but here are her trashy tits from the fat girl angles she shot them from…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Titty Top of the Day

Demi Lovato is in a weird titty top…

AS someone who has found Demi Lovato disgusting for as long as I can remember, always wondering what kind of handler that Wilmer Valderamma was, sticking to her for as long as he did, probably as part of his job as some kind of FED, but it just never made sense to me, especially after knowing he took Lohan’s cherry….I mean how do you go from LOHAN cherry to a decade of this…

What I am saying is that she is a puppet strung plant, designed to shape the future generation and she did it in dumb non-binary ways, reminding everyone that 99 percent of non binary’s are basically already theys in sex appeal. You know not on the chart.

The drug overdosing but not dying, which makes her a bit of a failure at drug overdosing, is no longer a THEY and back to a she/her, so she can sexualize herself again.

I guess she just does the THEY thing when she’s feeling fat and ugly, but when she’s felling hot, she’s tits out and ready to go…

Point of the story, fuck Demi Lovato.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Non Binary Bikini of the Day

The world is dumb bro…

I keep seeing the Dylan “Day 1 of being a Girl” motherfucker who is some San Diego rich kid, who obviously was starved for attention, so he played the over the top flaming queer to get seen, but who ended up going into acting, because that’s what rich kids do when they don’t want real jobs, only to have an over-the-top flaming appearance on Price is Right before deciding that the market was going trans, so that he should hop on that instead of in front of traffic, or a train….NOTICE ME….

It’s the tattoo on your face of this generation….body modification for attention and he either did it on his own, which I doubt, or was part of some bigger level plan to manipulate the internet with his acting and thus mockery of the transgender movement….while capitalizing on it….and it worked….

He is represented by CAA, one of the most demonic talent agencies out there, and really, he’s now something for normies of TikTok to connect with and to think they understand the plight of the trans people, without realizing they are dealing with a parody, a farce, a mockery, cosplay, TRANS-FACE….like black face….

So then brands like Bud, or make-up brands who have him do make-up tutorials after shaving his face, or tampon brands despite still have cock and balls, who are clearly run by retards chasing dollars and paying to be what’s popular to make those dollars, rather than actually put any support into the real trans movement, or maybe even support into things like Women Sports, so that actual women get more resources in under-funded because it’s women’s sports….or maybe try to take their face social consciousness and virtue signalling into things that actually matter…but instead they throw a million dollars at a trust fundarian who is making a mockery of a potentially real mental illness, but that is obviously over-hyped and weird because the media keep pushing the pronouns and other fake stupid shit that doesn’t matter and that real people don’t actually care about, and I blame people like DEMI LOVATO for pushing the agenda….

Sure she’s Disney created, in the evil industry, used to control the minds of the impressionable, so she doesn’t know better…

They also have her on all kinds of meds as they’ve diagnosed her bi-polar for being like “what the fuck is this shit”….oh she’s bi polar, SEDATE SEDATE SEDATE….

It’s a sinister world out there, but at least she’s back on track, no longer non-binary like 35 percent of kids at your local elementary school thanks to predators….and she’s in a bikini….

Fuck all the noise, let’s focus on the bikinis…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato They Them Bikini of the Day

I don’t know why Demi Lovato changing her pronouns to THEY doesn’t offend anyone, I mean maybe no one actually cares, or maybe the whole transgender thing is a pass for you to get away with anything you want, from opiate overdoses, to being an asshole to your staff, or fans, or whatever becasue you always have the “They” card to fall back on, you know, now that “Mental Health Issues’ doesn’t hold as much weight since everyone is a self diagnosed and medicated nut job..from Bi Polar, to Genralized Anxiety, to OCD or ADHD, everyone’s got their built in excuse for failing, or being pieces of shit, but it’s hard to take as seriously, until they change their PRONOUN like that makes a fucking difference.

So in the time Demi Lovato’s been a THEY, she’s produced more slutty content than she has in her entire career as America’s least favorite but possibly most lucrative popstars…..

Her hair is grown out, her bikini is on, not very THEY to me, if anything it makes a mockery of the whole THEY thing, while manipulating the weak minds of her fans, that you know have weak minds because they are her fans, so they do the whoel THEY thing too, in some domino effect of INFLUENCE…when it’s all just a war on words, to confuse shit, like satanics do…..

So yeah, now that she’s genderless, she’s producing more hot girl content then ever, but that’s ok, because she’s not a girl, so she’s allowed or some shit, but then again, these Disney Kids who were raised in Character are so fucked in the head, confused as to what they are, that the only thing they are good for is staring at their tits, whether they are bi polar tits, drug addict tits that had an overdose, or they tits….they still tits.

I don’t find Demi Lovato hot, but she exists and she’s half naked so fuck it like you love it even if you don’t.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Bathtub Tits of the Day

It’s funny that the mind control slave, puppet of the industry, heroin addict who had an overdose, but didn’t get cancelled because she’s too big a star, too rich of a talent, who I don’t think it all that talented, but I’ve never seen any of her movies, or heard any of her music, she’s more just a dumpy bitch that I know exists.

I did find it weird that we as a society decided to coddle the broken child star during her darkest days, instead of throwing them out like we used to….let them die Dana Plato….but I guess when you’re as dialed in as this one, as trained and willing to push the agenda of the woke hard…..you remain their tool to reach and influnence the people into going whatever direction they want them to.

You may not believe in the GROOMERS, the INDOCTRINATORS, the pushing of the satantic transgender agenda, but the fact is, Demi Lovato is a “they” now, non binary, like a narcissist who needs to self-diagnose herself to feel like she matters….

But for whatever reason, in being a they, no longer a CIS GENDER, she’s managed to figure out how to pose like a slutty chick, I guess all it took to understand slutty chick poses, was to say to the world “I’m not a chick”….while being a CHICK…

Fascinating the level of confusion this is, probably something her fans can decipher as they head to the doctor for their hormone therapies and to permanently alter their bodies cuz Demi Lovato told them to from a bath with her wet wife beater tits out.

The point of the story is, they, them, it, or go fuck yourself with your dumb pronouns or not, Lovato’s producing some smut, and it’s the most interesting she’s been, no matter how dumb her THEM haircut is….the clit’s still a clit, the labia not sewed up with a set of Tom Green prosthetic balls, so it’s not gay to wanna fuck this….even if everything else about you is pretty gay…why are you even reading this, don/t you have Pride Month to go tend to by dancing in your jockstrap and gym socks….


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovatos Going to Put This in their TheyHole of the Day

Demi Lovato, now a They, Alien Communicator because she suffered mental illness from a life of being sold off and sexualized by a disgusting industry that has led to perverts like me posting her bullshit like I fucking care or like if fucking. matters, not that I believe in Mental Illness when it comes to famous people, it is just a great excuse for victimhood and something no one contests but instead feel sorry for and cry about together in some fucking group therapy sessions they can afford because they are overpaid trash, while people with real mental illness are over here thinking that every van that drives by is about to abduct them for writing “conspiracy theories” on the internet….

What I am sayin is there is actual crazy and there is Disney Kid rich brat who gets away with everything because she’s surrounded by yes men that make money off her, and we all know what category she falls into.

She’s posing with sex toys, now that sex toys are normalized, everyone MASTURBATE, except maybe the 10,000 dollar sex doll you’re dating, that’s still weird…but a little vibe to help a girl cum, in an era of chronic masturbating perverts isn’t all that edgy, but for a Disney Kid to be pushing it, you can figure out exactly what agenda these monsters are pushing onto your kids.

The funny thing is that it took her becoming “TRANS” or a NON BINARY THEY to start putting out slutty content with her tits out….

Not that I like Demi Lovato, she’s serious last week’s kitchen garbage trash….but if she has to exist, and she does exist, too much invested in her and not just Valderamma semen, but other semen too….too many fans…to not let. her run with this low level NORMIE dabbling in BDSM for some instant gratification or a “tickle” from an orgasm to release her depleted dopamine to make her feel better about herself….and for those of us who have been jerking off 10 times a day for the last 40 years…it’s hardly that exciting to see bitches trying to act empowered or like they are revolutionaries because they have vibrators..it’s like they haven’t met any 40 year old housewives from Ohio who have had all the sex toys for the last hundred fucking years….

It’s sad when perv shit goes DISNEY and all the FUN gets sucked out of it for a man who has made PERV shit his only interest his entire existence….and not to get ahead doing it, if anything, it backfired and prevented me from making real money with a website that had a lot of traffic between 2004-2010…all these fucks coming out of the woodwork trying to monetize our pervert existence and succeeding….FUCKERS.


Posted in:Demi Lovato