The world is dumb bro…
I keep seeing the Dylan “Day 1 of being a Girl” motherfucker who is some San Diego rich kid, who obviously was starved for attention, so he played the over the top flaming queer to get seen, but who ended up going into acting, because that’s what rich kids do when they don’t want real jobs, only to have an over-the-top flaming appearance on Price is Right before deciding that the market was going trans, so that he should hop on that instead of in front of traffic, or a train….NOTICE ME….
It’s the tattoo on your face of this generation….body modification for attention and he either did it on his own, which I doubt, or was part of some bigger level plan to manipulate the internet with his acting and thus mockery of the transgender movement….while capitalizing on it….and it worked….
He is represented by CAA, one of the most demonic talent agencies out there, and really, he’s now something for normies of TikTok to connect with and to think they understand the plight of the trans people, without realizing they are dealing with a parody, a farce, a mockery, cosplay, TRANS-FACE….like black face….
So then brands like Bud, or make-up brands who have him do make-up tutorials after shaving his face, or tampon brands despite still have cock and balls, who are clearly run by retards chasing dollars and paying to be what’s popular to make those dollars, rather than actually put any support into the real trans movement, or maybe even support into things like Women Sports, so that actual women get more resources in under-funded because it’s women’s sports….or maybe try to take their face social consciousness and virtue signalling into things that actually matter…but instead they throw a million dollars at a trust fundarian who is making a mockery of a potentially real mental illness, but that is obviously over-hyped and weird because the media keep pushing the pronouns and other fake stupid shit that doesn’t matter and that real people don’t actually care about, and I blame people like DEMI LOVATO for pushing the agenda….
Sure she’s Disney created, in the evil industry, used to control the minds of the impressionable, so she doesn’t know better…
They also have her on all kinds of meds as they’ve diagnosed her bi-polar for being like “what the fuck is this shit”….oh she’s bi polar, SEDATE SEDATE SEDATE….
It’s a sinister world out there, but at least she’s back on track, no longer non-binary like 35 percent of kids at your local elementary school thanks to predators….and she’s in a bikini….
Fuck all the noise, let’s focus on the bikinis…

Posted in:Demi Lovato