I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato is Still a They/Them/It/Thing to Me of the Day

I don’t really subscribe to the pronoun movement, especially when it’s for attention from some opiate addicted spoiled brat entitled piece of pig shit like Demi Lovato….

HOWEVER, upon seeing her disgusting and shameless pictures of her gross tits that survived a drug overdose…unfortunately…

I am forced to comply with her LIBTARD logic and AGREE with her…she is definitely a fucking THEY THEM, because there’s enough of her to justify being two people but I prefer to call her an IT….or a thing…because…..WHAT IS THIS GROSS THING ANYWAY….

Apparently, she dropped her non-binary, genderless propaganda but she’s still an IT TO ME….

Some OVERDOSES are meant to go to completion…BAN NARCAN…which conveniently these pictures make me think she did die of the overdose and these are the pictures of her corpse face posed like WEEKEND AT BERNIE’s because her next of KIN want to keep on earnin


Posted in:Demi Lovato