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Archive for the Demi Lovato Category




Demi Lovato’s Weird Swimsuit Pics of the Day

The most offensive thing that has happened since Demi Lovato’s overdose is that she didn’t die of said overdose…..

The second most offensive thing that has happened since Demi Lovato’s overdose is that she wasn’t cancelled. There was a huge media spin like she was Joe Biden where they decided to treat her as some sort of broken, mental health hero, who made a bad choice in doing shitty heroin….like it was a one time thing.

So instead of saying “hey drug addict, you’ve been sent to the island of celebs who fell off and that the industry doesn’t want”….she’s still here promoting to all of your kids..consistently…and why? There’s so much talent that aren’t drug addicts having overdoses out there who need the attention Lovato gets. It’s pretty unfair.

Then there’s the whole brand partnerships and deals and shit like that that should be cancelled, but that aren’t because they are doing this empowerment thing, and not just the fat empowering thing because she clearly eats, but also the “heroin” empowering thing…using her as the face of the opiate crisis and allowing her to MONETIZE off it.

Some real fucking bullshit…so seeing her pics in a bathing suit for attention just makes me hate her more than I already do..in part because she’s a tank and I don’t like fat empowerment…but mainly because she should be fucking cancelled.

I guess the internal struggle she is going through as an opiate addict will just keep on keeping on…and eventually she will be put out of her misery and all that bullshit coddled rich kid crying about her lack of a childhood and exploitation as a child star that gave her this life…will end up dying of an overdose eventually, all opiate addicts do, so why bother struggling through that…

I don’t know why she feels the need to be a fat slutty bathing suit selfie producer…especially while looking like shit…but I guess it’s because she’s a girl and this is what they do.

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato The Blimp of the Day

Demi Lovato Blimp

Demi Lovato is some real fucking bullshit. Clearly a puppet designed to spread the message of the evil media and entertainment industry. The fact that she wasn’t cancelled despite having a heroin overdose should be enough proof that there’s more to her story.

When you are a heroin addict and have a heroin overdose, when your demographic is a bunch of kids, and you’ve been used to market and brain wash kids for a fucking decade, no matter how they polarize it as a symptom of Bi-Polar disorder, and not that bitch is a heroin addict who had a heroin overdose….you would normally get fired.

I don’t think you’d be able to keep your job after a heroin overdose if you were a teacher, a doctor, even a retail outlet employee….they’d fire your crackhead ass and not even help you get to rehab…

But when you’re Demi Lovato you get to sing the national anthem at the super bowl, you get to get brand deals, you get to perform at the oscars and everyone sympathizes with you as you get fatter and fatter….fuck that.

This blimp bitch in a magazine, is part of the bullshit narrative of LIES being spewed to us…because HEROIN overdoses get you cancelled not sympathy NO Matter who you are…

That said…look at this blimp bitch “parachuting” into her new life…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato FatLetics of the Day

Demi Lovato FatLetics Campaign

I take personal offense to Demi Lovato being cast in a campaign for a fitness clothing brand. Not because she’s fat, that’s just gross to look at, but fat people do workout and deserve workout gear also. I don’t hate on that.

I hate on positioning some coddled cunt from Disney with her pile of fans and money has a heroin overdose, says “Look at me, I do heroin” for all those little girls who look up to her and a year later brands are like “be our ambassador, here’s a million dollars”….because don’t shame a fatty, who replaced heroin with donuts apparently…donuts Ariana Grande may have licked while saying she hates America….but donuts nonetheless….and don’t shame a heroin addict, heroin addicts can get their lives back on track and we hope they do it in our fitness gear….because these companies MOOCH and are trying to MOOCH off her fans…

I hope after all this COVID shit, people learn how to prioritize, and realize none of this matters, overpriced fitness gear can fuck off with the fat disney pig on heroin it rode in on….

I’m sure the world is proud that they’ve got 10,000 fitness brands killing the earth with their leggings, while we don’t have fucking protective gear for hospitals.

The fact the government who taxes us aggressively doesn’t have a pandemic kit with 5,000 dollar cash, masks, space food, hazmat suits, iodine pills, for EVERY citizen who has paid them on every DOLLAR they make, every purchase they’ve made, except maybe in New Hampshire and they don’t have a $5,000 safety kit for all of us.

In the words of Greta….shame on you you fucking snakes.

Taxation is theft, this is proof.

Never pay taxes again. They can’t make us.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Bobbing Around of the Day

Demi Lovato Wet Swimsuit

The only thing I care about when it comes to Demi Lovato, is why the fuck didn’t the opiates take her out. So many people who aren’t celebrities are dying everyday from the shit, it’s almost as much of a threat to America as the Coronavirus….

I don’t know when this is from, or who her dealer with the blackface is, but that could just be her from her Israel trip burning off her pussy with the high salt levels of the dead sea, but maybe she likes that feeling, it’s the real religious pilgrimage she’s there for, as she heals from her bullshit entitled rich kid addiction.

Fuck Demi Lovato, and the tits she’s got floating….

Old news maybe, but it’s always nice to reference the archives, memories of times Demi Lovato could have and should have drowned. Just always evading death this fucker…

Demi Lovato Wet Swimsuit


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Heroin Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato hasnt’ died of a heroin overdose yet, but you know that if she’s a genuine addict, or opiate fiend the scratching for heroin is ever-present, and eventually she will crack.

I find serious hope, or pleasure in that….

It’s not that I wish death upon people, I just don’t like seeing some Hollywood manufactured trash mock mental illness to justify her bad behavior, go so far as to overdose, only for none of her sponsors to cancel her.

We can’t jerk off to whores in our hotel rooms without being cancelled….and we can’t make off-color jokes to be though provoking without being cancelled….and you can say being trans is a mental illness without being cancelled…but a bitch who appeals to 12 year olds can be like “heroin’s so cool I overdosed on it” and all the brands are lined up with paychecks to be the first to sponsor her surviving the overdose…

It just sends a bad message. Punish this irresponsible trash like you were her mom when they were first getting started and she put her through hell to get the celebrity they have that is so big brands are too scared to “NOT WORK WITH HER” for the backlash…

It’s all so stupid…but look the fatty has tits…that she selfies cuz she’s a narcissist cunt.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato Erotica

Demi Lovato hasn’t died of a heroin overdose yet, but the hope or at least the salvation, or the good news in her “recovery” is that she will always have this undying itch in the depth of her soul for opiates, that’s what opiates do, I get it for NICOTINE, because I was a smoker 20 years ago, so I can just imagine what OPIATE addiction would do to a motherfucer…..just fucking knocking in her head over and over and over until she takes the fucking plunge and dabbles just one last time, with just a little taste….that will end up killing her..

I don’t really wish death upon people because I don’t give a fuck about these people, I mean they are celebrities and by default HORRIBLE fucking people…you cannot prove me wrong on this one…there is ZERO good to this DEMI LOVATO and even her struggles with addiction are boring and some marketing ploy by her team to get her more money…it’s just shit all around….but it’s next level shit when they get the fat girl in a bra with her fat tits out in some weird photoshoot that didn’t need to happen…with what may be her boyfriend, or her NA sponsor, or her meth dealer she met in some corner store in Arizona or New Mexico some border town shit she exploited when she pretended to be MEXICAN or of MEXICAN decent when really she’s not….she is just GARBAGE all around and she agrees with that…hence all her failed suicide attempts.

BUT SHE DOES HAVE BIG TITS now that she’s 800 pounds…so there’s that and she clearly wants you to SEE that.

Here she is stuffing her face with a pickle
Demi Lovato Pickle Eater


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Pregnant or Fat of the Day

Demi Lovato Pregnant or Fat

Demi Lovato is brewing a CRACK BABY in her OPIATE BATTERED womb, but not really, it’s just a costume for Will & Grace, a show that I guess has cast her in attempts to get a younger audience to buy into their offensive, misguided show….that should have never been remade…

So as they use DEMI LOVATO, despite being an opiate addict who had a drug overdose, who should not be endorsed or sponsored by anyone, but for whatever reason we are a forgiving people now…maybe it is because of socialmedia, you know she’s got her fanbase directly dialled into her via instagram so she can post shit like this to have it go viral by idiots everywhere who assume she’s pregnant cuz she’s been so fucking fat in her “recovery”…but I remember a better time, when a celeb would fuck up on that Demi Lovato level and that celeb would be dropped by all, like they were Weinstein or LOUIE CK jerking off to a bitch in his hotel room….you know forced to be forgotten…but instead Demi Lovato continues to exist until she relapses and officially dies from her opiates which will happen..but today it’s faking pregnancy to justify her obesity for TV she should be fired from….

Demi Lovato Pregnant or Fat


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Very Tight Leggings of the Day

Demi Lovato Very Tight Leggings

Pop singer and heroin addict Demi Lovato took a morning hike after taking her morning methadone, in a pair of very tight leggings with what looks like her meth dealer, but that could just be the look, grey skinned and bad tattoos….to celebrate sobriety, or as it is known in rehab facilities…the good years….the years where you listend to your urges and fed your addiction to medicate those deep rooted issues you had….instead of spending time trying to work on those deep rooted issues, with the idea or craving of that addiction hanging over you like a fucking black cloud that will eventually kill you…if the food you’ve replaced heroin with doesn’t….

I find the whole Demi Lovato thing pathetic. I am not really sympathetic with mental health issues, I am a believer of the controversial and possibly dated concept of not over prescribing mind altering pharmaceuticals to people who are stressed or sad., and figuring out ways to power through your trauma…without turning to heroin…like turning to alcohol..

There’s nothing worse than sober people talking about the glory days, dwelling on the glory days, instead of living the way they want to live now….

There’s nothing worse than a rich as fuck, set for life, idiot with a huge fan base disrespecting all those fans with her “mental health” issues and addiction issues…inspiring young kids to fall into her shitty life choices cuz “Demi Lovato did it”….without having the resources of Demi Lovato to buy all the pizzas in the fucking world during her recovery time…to make her XL leggings split at the fucking seam…from fatness.

POINT BEING…she’s weak, her recovery boring, her fans should boycott her and give her real reason to reflect on her life in a “poor me” naricisstic fuck way….that leads to opiate overdose…to number the pain of being a rich fucking celebrity….shut the fuck up…there are real people with real opiate addictions who live in fucking trailer parks and on the street…not mansions…I hate everything this trash represents…and it helps seeing how ugly she is on the outside too..



Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Halloween Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato Halloween Tits

Looking at Demi Lovato in her weird costume for some Halloween is some clickbait…to remind you that even in costume….she’s fat as fuck, clearly lost her heroin body thanks to rehab assuming she’s not on heroin…maybe this is a replaced with other pills for mental health or some shit…you know that bloat you out and motivate you to leak your nude selfies from a time when you were at your hottest….to remind people that at your hottest, you’re still not hot, but you’re also no longer a threat to the Chinese all you can eat buffet owner…

This is some White Face, I call Racism On. Let’s hope the SJW faggots get on her for this, but I guess no one cares when non whites play whites…in this era of everyone offended – especially since Demi Lovato owns the narrative and can do no fucking wrong…brands still give her monery despite heroin – that’s crazy. Parents till let kids listen to her music. Also crazy to me. Right.??

Also this is a good example of the difference between a pic a girl upload vs a tagged pic…
Demi Lovato Halloween Tits


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Demi Lovato Skinny Nudes Before the OD of the Day

Demi Lovato Nude

300 lbs of Demi Lovato staged some leaked nudes, cuz bitch is a mental case, all crazed with fake bipolar disorder and an opiate addiction, in the opiate crisis, that led to her opiate overdose…something that would have destroyed a career of a child star in the past, but that for some reason doesn’t get shamed, is seem as a sickness or disease, rather than a coddled bitch medicating cuz she was whored out to the industry at a young age…

Brands still work with her, fans still go to her concerts, no one has blacklisted her for the terribly human she is.

She’s always been on social media mirroring society. She’d do the whole body positivity don’t body shame thing when she was fat and that was a thing. She’d do the “no make up, no filter” thing when that was a thing, she did the whole slutty selfie after she got skinny during her breakup with Wilmer Valderamma..

So it’s very likely these nudes, that are just nudes, not a big deal…nothing to be ashamed of, especially when they were taken at her ABSOLUTE best shape as she’s a fucking school bus now…one of those thinspiration pics she leaves on her fridge to remember food addiction to replace opiate addiction is bad…but narcissism and fixating on her hottest, no exposed vagina, empowered tits for feminism…is good.

This is dramatically better than ANY Demi Lovato content I’ve ever seen, the angles maybe, so it seems like a good strategy to me and a lesson that skinnier versions of girls is far better than the dumpy version. We already knew that though.

She actually looks good in her nudes, hence why she leaked them.

Demi Lovato Nude


Posted in:Demi Lovato