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Archive for the Demi Lovato Category




Demi Lovato Hard Nipples of the Day

Demi Lovato Hard Nipples

Demi Lovato annoys me, in part because she’s not hot, but marketed as hot, which is actually pretty fucking annoying in the world of trying to genuinely celebrate hot chicks, as they consistently become fat homely chicks….but mainly because she wasn’t cancelled for her opiate addition and overdose when she probably should have…

She played the mental health angle, and no one can turn their back on mental health, addiction is a disease, and not some self destructive rich person just into getting high, when she probably should be called out by the parents of the kids who are her fans…because she’s basically saying “it’s cool to have opiate overdoses”…there are no consequences…just a lot of tail between your legs crying about how victimized you are…..

They’ve given her more hype than ever, ADDICT campaigns, and it’s not fair to real addicts out there shooting up with puddle water because they aren’t rich and famous and being fetishized as a “it even happens to the rich”….

Her nipples are hard, not sure if that’s a good thing, but it’s a thing.

Here she is in a swimsuit

Demi Lovato Hard Nipples


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Nipples of the Day

I’ve been a consistent hater of Demi Lovato for as long as I can remember.

I never found her hot or interesting and she seemed like she had a pretty shitty attitude….was coddled and surrounded by yes men, with too much money…

I’d laugh at Wilmer Valderamma for sticking his dick in it, back when he was sticking his dick in it….he was probably sticking his dick in other things since he had fame and that gets you a lot of hot unknown pussy…but publicly pretending to fuck this…trash…

So when she survived her heroin overdose I was hoping society would have taken an old school approach and cancel the bitch for being a terrible influence on the youth, if anything saying Heroin is so good I’d die for it, rather than Heroin is so bad I almost died for it..

Then she’s always, even before the heroin, used her BI POLAR diagnosis, which basically anyone can get from any doctor, especially a celebrity in need of an excuse for her shitty lifestyle choices, moves, living in excess, surrounded by yes men…

MENTAL HEALTH…the ultimate in excuses….”I can’t do that, i am bi-polar”….”I did that shitty thing because I am bi-polar”….etc….get the fuck out of here, everyone is fucking nuts, we don’t care…it’s no excuse…

Then she’s done the fat thing, the attempt at skinny thing, the no filter, no make-up thing, it’s been a pretty gross time….but not as gross as her promoting her heroin overdose, getting sympathy, addiction is a disease, nonsense…that street level heroin users who are actually dying, and teens in middle class homes are actually dying, for this bitch to champion the opiate crisis by monetizing it…sensationalizing it…garnering sympathy from it…

It’s pretty awful…and so is this weird Lesbian mom at the bookstore who just found lesbianism after her husband cheated on her look….even if there’s gratuitous nipple.

Looking a lot more like POOT Lovato these days


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Ass of the Day

Demi Lovato’s doing some body empowerment bullshit pictures she is probably getting paid for, or at least taking advantage of the fact that body positivity is a thing and she can be comfortable or try to be comfortable with her fat self…like she hasn’t been fat for the majority of her singing career, but that I guess she’s spinning into “this is my true self, I must love myself as my true self, so I’ll continue to eat”…

Apparently, this is a celebration of her stretch marks, she even put glitter on them to show them off, which is basically some sort of cover-up for hating her stretch marks, which is why they call it empowerment….but I’ve seen skinny girls naked and most have stretch marks on their ass…so it’s not exclusive to fat chicks…it’s just less tolerable on fat chicks cuz they are fat.

She’s also posturing this as recovery from an eating disorder, one I call “heroin addict”…I’ve seen trainspotting and when they are on Heroin they don’t need food…for the most part heroin addicts are all lean…because heroin…but not anymore…because Demi Lovato’s working on fattening up because she’s confused it as recovery…

Point being, I don’t believe any of these whiners, they are just trying to get sympathy from the fans and the media, like they need sympathy from us, they are rich and should fuck off…

If you’re into fat girl ass in provocative poses now that it knows what is important thanks to not dying of the heroin overdose, here you go, but I find her nasty.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Braless of the Day

Demi Lovato Braless copy

Demi Lovato offends me.

I just think she’s a shitty, garbage can of a person in basically everything she does…rich, coddled, surrounded by “Yes” men who hype her up and allow her to manipulate her fans however she can….

The whole drug overdose should have been her final performance, in part because she should have died if it was a real overdose, but I guess rich people doing heroin have NARCAN on site…but since she did survive, she just angled it as “mental health”….the primary fucking excuse of the young people…”Bi Polar Disorder”…..is the hall pass or whatever….to make you a shitty person who makes shitty decisions…get the fuck out of here…we know Bi Polar people and they aren’t celebrity rich kids who get away with their manic decisions…lives get ruined…while this one gets coddled, invited on Oprah or whatever….and she’s not doing anything but encouraging young people to get up on opiates…

More importantly, her opiate addiction got her bloated, maybe because she’s replaced heroin with food…and this is her trying to make a slutty selfie…cuz her bloat brings some bloated tits and there could be a nipple….weirdly located nipple.

Demi Lovato Braless copy


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Bloody Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato Halloween

Here’s some Demi Lovato as what I assume she looked like during her overdose, maybe this is what she should look like had she succumbed to her overdose, as she probably should have, only these celebrities, they got NARCAN in the rec room, just in case an overdose happens as they try to self medicate with street drugs the way celebrities always have, becasue they are broken and disgusting humans that represent all evil in our society…the embodiment of the worst possible humans…that actually FIGHT to become these famous people, like they give up their child hoods and suck all kinds of dick to try ot make it because they want it so bad, where an overdose is likely the light in their dark fucking times…if anything the industry lobbied and campaigned or canvassed for her…I’ve never seen so much support for such degenerate shit….”oh poor bi polar rich person who has everything, let’s let her sing at the grammies, let’s let her keep her brand partners, she’s a huge star who lapsed and has mental health issues”…get the fuck out of here with that victim nonsense…she is responsible for her actions and mental health is a fucking myth…you can mind over matter ANYTHING.

I assume Lovato knows her angles, because she’s actually 600 pounds and doesn’t look it all slutty for Halloween, but the massive star being rich as fuck, is still broken as far as I’m concerned…Opiate Addictions are for life, so as we wait for her final overdose we might as well stare at her sloppy tits…


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Fat Girl Tits

Demi Lovato Fat Girl Tits

Demi Lovato is looking like every fat girl on social media or tinder trying to look hot…they get their botox and lip injections thinking that looking like a filter or a Kardashian muppet will offset the fact that they are fat….they can pose in a way that looks less fat…they can photoshop themselves to be less fat…but if you have eyes and a low sex drive, so you’re level of “being impressed” or turned on by a bitch is a bit higher than the desperate and overly horny who will fuck anything, you can see this is a fucking tank in a tight shirt trying to embrace plus sized, by making herself look less plus sized, while clearly being plus sized.

The only good news is that with weight gain comes bigger tits, but oftentimes those bigger tits aren’t good bigger tits, especially if the tits were shit to begin with when they were smaller…

The better news would be that her heroin addiction hopped back in so that bitch would stop eating, but instead she’s replaced it with eating, as these addicts do, especially now that being fat is considered noble…or an asset…which makes no sense to me…if anyone sat on their ass for a year or two eating…they could be fat too…it’s not a fucking trophy deserving celebration…it’s gross sloth shit…but Demi Lovato is a vile piece of shit, so it is expected I guess.

Demi Lovato Fat Girl Tits

Demi Lovato Fat Girl Tits

Demi Lovato Fat Girl Tits


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Hard Nipples of the Day

Mentally unstable Demi Lovato, who I can’t fucking stand, in part because she’s a celebrity, but mainly because she’s the worst kind of celebrity. The overly rich and famous, the super star status, who is above the law and can do no wrong…all because she cries “BiPolar” and uses that in every aspect of her life…if she’s fat, it’s her meds, if she’s thin, it’s her meds, if she’s having drug overdoses, it’s her condition and it’s all fucking annoying…

When I saw the praise she got after her overdose, I mean, this is supposed to be an icon to kids everywhere, and they are seeing her have an overdose, it’s not a good mentoring exercise to show them how bad opiates are, if anything it’s an invitation for them the try opiates…in a “If Demi Lovato, larger than life, sometimes literally larger than life, bitch gets fat….is willing to die for the high, it must be a good high”…

Then the bullshit apology, the bullshit excuses, the bullshit therapy from someone who has fucking everything, “it’s a chemical imbalance”….sure it is you immature whiney spoiled twat….anyway….the junkie get forgiven, gets to perform at the Super Bowl and the grammy’s like she didn’t almost die in a huge media story….and then she gets “healthy”, finds food, maybe fitness, possibly love….only to get engaged because she is a bipolar nut job afterall….erratic is fun to them….and the dude she’s engaged to has old tweets saying Selena Gomez is hotter than Demi…and that he’s on team Selena….old tweets man…they can ruin things…

Now she’s back on social, calling out shitty people with a t-shirt, showing hard nipple no one cares to fucking see….it’s all so dumb…and obviously Selena Gomez is the hotter one, I’ll get into and referee these entitled spoiled rich hollywood fights about who’s hotter since they have the mental capacity of 12 year olds…stunted fucks.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Cleavage of the Day

Demi Lovato Cleavage

I saw that Dictionary.com has reworked some of it’s words for a woke or fake woke generation, you know to not offend them, or to show them how with-it Dictionary.com is, and one of the words they removed or re-worked was ADDICT, because apparently calling someone an addict STIGMATIZES them, and it must instead be presented as “Person addicted to”….which is a hell of a lot more work as to not offend some asshole weak fuck with no respect for their body, or at least no ability to control their impulses, because obviously it’s a “disease” and not a “choice” to be some weak fuck…

You know, I know addicts, I’ve been addicted to basically everything at least once. I’ve had friends die from being addicts, lives ruined, my life involves writing a bullshit website because of the level of fail being a drunk handed me….so I have no fucking sympathy for that weak shit…call an addict an addict and let them suffer for their shitty fucking behavior…

Coddling addicts is ridiculous..call them what they are…shame them…blacklist them….erase them…they are garbage self destructive trash…especially when they re Demi Lovato and have everything to live for. She’s not an idol, she’s a bad influencer, but them media sucks her fat cock like they were Wilmer Valderamma.

She’s not even a good addict because she almost died of it…not even a good addict, yet celebrated and sensationalized as if she’s some HERO….get the fuck out of here with this over-prescribed mental health excuse, it’s worse than COVID as an excuse for basically everything…”I can’t do that, COVID”….

Seeing everyone come out and celebrate Demi Lovato for having a heroin overdose was hilarious, she has kid fans and she should have been fucking cancelled, yet instead her road to recovery was one documented and presented as some win…from heroin to Superbowl singing, to being engaged and faking being healthy….when bitch is just an opiate addict, a rich one, but one none less and she may not be out here dying in parks she will probably one day die because of it….however that day is not today….today is the day for her fat girl titty cleavage…that should be fucking dead….RIP Motherfucker in advance….trash.

Demi Lovato Cleavage


Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato’s Heroin Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato who milks the “mental health” thing so hard, she blames it for her heroin overdose, because why be accountable for anything, when you can cop out with “mental health” to make everyone support you and send their thoughts an prayers, and pretend they fucking care, while they are too busy taking fucking selfies…

There was nothing more offensive to me than when I saw this pop star earner get treated like some hero after she had a heroin overdose…some ban NARCAN shit because she should have died for her stupid actions…and at least be accountable for her stupid actions…

She’s all engaged and in the Sauna because some dude found a weak rich famous bitch to mooch off of, pretending to be health and wellness, get that Sauna in cuz she heard it on a Rogan podcast….like all the other idiots doing the whole sauna thing…but the reality is she has no respect for herself, her fans, her celebrity….none of that…and she will, like all opiate addicts, relapse and die from it…cuz the dragon so good…

When she was praised in early pre-covid era 2020, performing at the Grammies, the Super Bowl, I knew it was some puppet mastering and she was the puppet..

Like all Child Stars, you have to have some sympathy because they were sold by their shit parents, HOWEVER at a certain age, you gotta grow the fuck up, this bitch is in her 30s…anyway…here’s her nasty ass tit cuz she nasty and always has been.

Posted in:Demi Lovato




Demi Lovato Porno of the Day

Demi Lovato Wet Bikini

Demi Lovato is some fat pig bitch who must have some of the worst tits in the fucking world.

Not only is the heroin addict, who will be hooked on opiates until she finally dies of opiates, and she will, fat as fuck but she’s also Mexican…and fat girls generally HOPE to be known for their tits, because they have nothing going for them, while Mexican girls often times have saggy tits, so I am assuming a topless Demi Lovato is some fucking mess and not just because of the TRACK Marks…we’re talking cellulite, stretch marks from all the weight fluctuations, and nipples the size of saucers and not in a good way…not some when the nipple hits my eye like a big pizza pie…but in a sloppy bitch with her cleavage can’t win me over…

If anything I hate that she’s allowed to have a career, that she’s maintained her fan base, when she’s fucking evil and addicted to opiates, how could that be beneficial to the kids who buy into anything she’s selling.

We’ll cancel all kinds of people for a fucking tweet, but this fucking almost dead from heroin overdoses can still market her smut to the kids legally. That’s irresponsible!

Blaming all her problems on mental health….so every girl is now about having mental health issues…it’s an easy crutch, easy excuse…and now she’s saying it’s okay to be addicted to opiates if you have mental health issues….while all her fans think they have mental health issues….while people like Louie CK is getting cancelled for jacking off to two girls who were in his room watching him by choice!

Get your priorities consistent…


Posted in:Demi Lovato