Demi Lovato who milks the “mental health” thing so hard, she blames it for her heroin overdose, because why be accountable for anything, when you can cop out with “mental health” to make everyone support you and send their thoughts an prayers, and pretend they fucking care, while they are too busy taking fucking selfies…
There was nothing more offensive to me than when I saw this pop star earner get treated like some hero after she had a heroin overdose…some ban NARCAN shit because she should have died for her stupid actions…and at least be accountable for her stupid actions…
She’s all engaged and in the Sauna because some dude found a weak rich famous bitch to mooch off of, pretending to be health and wellness, get that Sauna in cuz she heard it on a Rogan podcast….like all the other idiots doing the whole sauna thing…but the reality is she has no respect for herself, her fans, her celebrity….none of that…and she will, like all opiate addicts, relapse and die from it…cuz the dragon so good…
When she was praised in early pre-covid era 2020, performing at the Grammies, the Super Bowl, I knew it was some puppet mastering and she was the puppet..
Like all Child Stars, you have to have some sympathy because they were sold by their shit parents, HOWEVER at a certain age, you gotta grow the fuck up, this bitch is in her 30s…anyway…here’s her nasty ass tit cuz she nasty and always has been.
Posted in:Demi Lovato