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Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

With all these baby haters who are projecting their own miserable existences on the lives of other women, or men who have uteri, because that’s how we’ve evolved as a species….focus on the glitches and make them out to b the norm…

So a group of people, totally conditioned to go out and protest for the right to abort babies inside them, when they still have the right to abort babies inside them, but that I guess they fear will be taken away from them, which they have decided is wrong….but killing babies inside them is not seen as wrong, or as a last ditch effort, but rather a casual thing to do on a tuesday…is just fucking weird.

What do they have against motherhood, why do they hate it so much, what’s the fucking problem with having milk filled tits, maximizing the titty capacity, while being a nutritious and delicious snack, some engorged good times..all in the name of keeping the species alive….

It’s pretty dark, but the natural function of tit, one that the made in the lab version that your Boy Microsoft Penis has invested in, for his vision of a dystopian future, where he’s fine at the top of the food chain he’s positioned himself, thanks to being raised by the head of planned parenthood….a family of pregancy haters, or fetus lovers, you decide, both are pretty demonic…and I don’t even like kids, or hate abortion as much as I probably should…but these peoeple are fucking creepy about it…the activists and the leaders….together fucking monsters….

So for that reason alone, I’m here looking at milky tits being used as smut, the way tits, even in their natural state should be used.

Posted in:Lactating