I don’t know if you’ve seen the recent Britney bullshit celebrity gossip, or attempt to get people distracted by celebrity gossip, by going back to the same old captains of celebrity gossip, and revisiting them after trying to make people care….
I’m not talking about the Free Britney movement, that no one gave a fuck about before it went viral, so for 15 years bitch is abused in captivity, but thanks to a pandemic, they decide to start throwing weird protests in her honor….using the power of activism to FREE HER FROM THE CLUTCH of her handlers….
I never really bought any of it and whether she’s free or not, she’s still controlled, handled, and being used as a distraction…
So after that whole conservatorship nonsense, they decided to let her pretend to be free and on vacation, they even posted what looked like old as shit content from an iphone 1 on vacation, that could be some Britney replacement in a Britney face filter….the internet lies….
Then they pretended she was getting married to her hired actor boyfriend, he’s a hired actor, and her boyfriend….and the gayest dude you ever say, one of those Sarah Hyland types who is clearly straight for pay….I mean who better for a girl than a gay bestie that can fuck you from behind so long as you’re wearing a beanie and it’s in the ass.
YOU CAN’T GET PREGNANT FROM ANAL….BUT they pretended she was pregnant and every single post was some disconnected “My fetus”….”this is before my fetus was in me”….”this is my fetus”….weirdness…no pregnant bitch, even crazy ones say that about a child they want so bad….
I knew all along it was either going to be a fake pregnancy to fruition or miscarriage, I probably even wrote it in previous posts on crazy Britney…
So as predicted, I was right, and she had a miscarriage….
So to celebrate, she posted a video of her fucking her bathing suit bottoms, pulling them up inside her like some horny medicated bitch trying to scratch an itch that just can’t be scratched…
That’s probably ass from the front, not big mom labia, but I still like it, even if it’s not Britney, or if it’s Britney from 10 years ago, because actual Britney is locked away somewhere.
Don’t believe anything you see on the internet folks…they fuck with our minds, especially when they are as high profile as Britney.
The internet is FAKE and GAY.

Posted in:Britney Spears