I'll Make You Famous…




Hailee Steinfeld Bodysuit of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is basically the Last of the Mohicans just not starring Kevin Costner, Directed by Kevin Costner, or written by Kevin Costner, and that is in no way meant to be offensive to my Native friends, I am on your side and look forward to the day you organize, mobilize and get your fucking land back.

She is the Last of the Mohicans because she’s the last of the A-List celebrity now that society has gone rogue and everyone is fighting for their 15 minutes like Andy Warhol apparently predicted, or is credited of predicting, like some kind of time traveling weirdo.

Meaning, she came up through the industry, she’s at the top of the food chain, she gets the big pay days and she looks better than ever, you know an influencer without the shameless crying for attention despite not being naturally talented or naturally climbing the ranks, but instead just being a little less lazy than other influencers so they go viral.

The celebs of tomorrow won’t be trained actors, which is probably a good thing, since there’s nothing worse than an actor who takes acting seriously or truly believe they are art….when what they do is more of a joke and they are just told it is art because other people need them to think that in order to make money off them.

I don’t know what this shoot is for, but short outfit, long legs, nice tan since she’s half black, titties, it’s a win.


Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld