I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Hits the Beach of the Day

I like to think of Bella Thorne like I think of Miley Cyrus, a Disney Kid that they’ve conditioned and trained to be the influencer or mover of culture, because of their massive influence on young girls from being on Disney, and their need to stay relevant instead of being some corny fucking Disney kid, both their career and society as a whole need them to get racy, to stay interesting, to inspire the kids they’ve got a spell over to follow their lead into degeneracy.

Do I think all these girls running an onlyfans is a bad thing, naw, I’m fine with it because I love the nudes, but is it really living up to their full potential, or are they just lazy money grubbers….who’s to know…not me….I’m just here for the smut that I like to think Bella Thorne helped create.

It is possible that all this celebrity from Disney as a launchpad to be an influencer who turns to OnlyFans for big easy money, while hustling 10 other things that also make money, maintaining enough edgy, enough support for porno, cuz CUMMING IS AWESOME, or whatever, even though I think PORN has been a giant let down for 20 years, these idiots don’t know anything but throat fucking clips….and celebrate the broken girls who do it….because it’s edgy and cool and SEX POSITIVE….or whatver.

It is also possible that the need Bellas and Mileys to destroy society by taking it straight to over-sexed, heathen hell, or overexposure, too much smut, too much horny, too much of all that but hey, at least we can jack off to it, it’s not like there’s really a major future for any of us, so get the Disney Kid with the fake tits on all fours in a thong, I’m into it because it’s fun.

Posted in:Bella Thorne


