I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

While you’re basking in internet porn, girls trying to make themselves famous for getting fucked on the internet, or trying to make themselves famous as influencers who live life so much better and more impressively than other people, that they feel they deserve an audience.

While you feel you have no future, that we’re all doomed, that life is meaningless, mainly because you have PTSD from the abuse the powers that be put on all of us over th last 3 years over a pandemic that was hardly a pandemic….

Celebrating things like Medical Works, when they needed them to go along with it, before robbing them of their job for not wanting a vaccine they didn’t need, just consistent confusing bait and switches done intentionally, because it’s all an orchestrated plan….TRUST THE SCIENCE when it’s not the SCIENCE at all, they just call it Science to confuse the normies to go along with it….

These medical workers know they were fucked with, know that there are people in need of internet porn to distract themselves from hell, they know their jobs aren’t reliable and that the powers can turn on them overnight, manipulate them, push as far as they can before backtracking……so fuck it, sell nudes.

I don’t like hospitals, germs, death and disease, which is what I assume their pussies smell like when they are freely pulling them out on the job….so it’s not my Fetish, but naughty nurses with sluttier nurse outfits, could be enough to change that for me, and is a reminder that all good things go to shit, because of wokeness, as there was a time nurses wore hot skirts and pantyhose to stick tubes in dick, but for Feminism, they’re like put on the ill-fitting scrubs instead of classy fetish gear….it’s the same concept as live music being dead, because it’s easier to hire some nerd DJ to plug his laptop into the sound system, but it’s NOT as good or meaningful, all by design….RUIN our minds, lower my expectations, but turn trained and accredited professionals into nude pedlars, that I can support, it just makes sense to my perversion.

Posted in:NURSES