I'll Make You Famous…




Milf Monday of the Day

MILFs are a celebration of women who were willing to sacrifice it all, assuming that “it all” is the tautness of their vaginas, but I guess the rest of their body too, since it hormonally changes them as they gain their 90 pounds from eating pizza for 9 months, thinking “eating for 2” is an excuse to eat everything you ever avoided eating because you didn’t want to gain 90s pounds….WHEN IN ROME…..then there’s the whole ruining their personal life, or ability to go out and bang out any night of the week, because you don’t have a life to care for, not that most people let that get in the way of their fun, but they probably should…

So MILFS are a celebration of all that, because MOM fetishes mean you think mom’s are hot, despite those sacrifices made to either reproduce for tradition, for perceived expectations, for money from the right cumshot, you know there’s different reasons for baby making, or bringing babies to fruition….in this shitty modern world that has basically destroyed the family structure….

And like all celebrations of women, by men, you can jerk off to it, I think that’s kinda the whole point of them taking pics like this….you know, mom shit like scrapbooking, but better, cuz nudity is involved.

Posted in:Milf