I'll Make You Famous…




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Look at all these rebels putting their criminal drug use on the internet like they’re never going to run for politics or work the corporate ladder from some fortune 500 country. So bold. So edgy.

Not to mention, they’re doing it naked, like they don’t even have a future self to worry about because they either know it’s the end of the world, or that it’s the end of decency, modestry, good old fashioned Christian values….where the heathens have taken over as we build that tower of whoredom in babylon.

It’s one of those “what happens on the internet for clout” is all that matters, the instant gratification or the grab for cash….and luckily, I’m a pervert totally into the general population behaving like this….

But at the same time, weed is biblical, it was brought her from someone, you get high from it without much altering from it’s organic state, so maybe smoking weed naked is 100 percent god’s will and the putting it on the internet is just spreading that love to those who don’t know.

Something to think about, while staring at the tits getting high, innit.

Posted in:Weed