Chanel Westcoast may not exist in the pop culture stream of mattering, I don’t even know if anyone knows who Chanel Westcoast is, because despite being a rapper no one listens to, she was on an MTV show that you’d think would put her at the top of the food chain since it was a popular show at the time, maybe it would make people want to fuck her or listen to her….just not enough people to really hit the top of the charts, but enough people to let her on their boat where she simulates sex with her bikini bottoms, like a good little sex worker….I mean if they aren’t simulating sex with their bathing suits, what’s the point of letting them on the boat….the best thing in all this is that despite her hood accent, a fake hood accent, she’s from the OC, but despite that hood accent…this boat could potentially be her father’s, not her sugar daddy’s but her actual fathers…you know another rich kid with a dream….but I don’t know her origin story or care, I’m here to watch her simulate sex with her bathing suit.
Posted in:Chanel West Coast