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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I say no fat chicks allowed, because as someone married to a fat chick, I know first hand how vile and disgusting fat women are, and sure I did it for the pre-mature death aspect, it was calculated, but being terrible at math being, she’s still with us….because fat death takes a long fucking time and fat death is just a slow and miserable uncomfortable demise where your quality of life and sense of adventure is pretty fucking garbage because you’re always tired or looking for cake….hard to move, hard to sleep, hard to shit, hard to do everything….just all around miserable…

So from my 20 years of research, fat fucks are fucking gross, and if fat fucks out there are like don’t body shame me, ok, you can body shame yourself by pretending it is empowerment, when really it’s just a modern day version of a freak show, no matter how much of the population is obese or how much dudes are willing to fuck fat chicks cuz they are willing to fuck them back…..

That’s not to say I hate these ladies for getting naked, I just find it insane….

That’s not to say I don’t mind looking at monster fat girl tits because they are so fucking big….

It’s just to say, this is my inclusivity for you perverts into this kind of thing, while I’m far more into fitness bitches being naked….and fat chicks being the spectators…that you fuck in the shadows of the night because you don’t want people knowing that you are that kind of guy…..

I never subscribed to the “it’s better than jerking off alone to hot chicks” line people used to give, before they started publicly celebrating fat fuck sex as a form of virtue signaling, or wokeness, or inclusivity, “LOOK AT ME, I AM PRO FUCKING FAT CHICKS”…..like some kind of hero who deserves a medal….when we’ve all been there and know what it takes to get there.

Posted in:Fatty