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Jessica Chastain VS America of the Day

I saw this picture of Jessica Chastain giving the USA the finger over that weird abortion issue that all the idiots are crying over, because they want killing babies up to 4 weeks after birth to be a fundamental constitutional right, which I am not going to bother trying to understand, since I don’t care about any of that, but to see all the outrage around abortion laws is pretty fucking creepy, when you put it in perspective that this is about KILLING BABIES…because a bitch doesn’t want it for ANY number of reason….

Weird idea of an INDEPENDENCE DAY post, seems triggering and annoying…..instead of just putting on a Flag Bikini and showing off them American titties…since America’s been pretty fucking good to her, most gingers end up working at the library.

I thought to myself that Chastain is too fucking old to even get pregnant, look at that weathered face, so why does she care….but also that she’s a famous person, who makes movies as a woman, the Tammy Faye shit was optioned and developed, produced and acted by Chastain…which to me makes me think that as a woman she’s got all kinds of rights…

Then I thought how obnoxious these rich celebrities are, thinking their politics should influence the minds of the people, like anyone gives a fuck about Chastain…

If anything, it’s virtue signalling, but also just negative vibes all around….giving her country the finger….is perpetuating an ugly hate filled world…which is precisely what these celebrity fucks want, because when you’re miserable, they sell more movie seats, which buys them their stem cell products to keep them younger longer, because their narcissism confuses them and makes them think they are gods, it’s all part of their satanic agenda.

So if you were a Chastain fan, you shouldn’t be, becasue she’s a divisive cunt trying to stoke the fire, the hate, the negativity, instead of just shooting fireworks out of her ass like a true patriot.

More importantly, why is Jessica Chastain trying so hard? Uploading selfies to the internet like a middle of the road barista crying for attention because she hates her life…when she actually loves her life….it just seems like she hates her life to help rally the SSRI freaks that follow her or care about her opinion on politics.

When celebrity post selfies, celebrity is dead, when it’s fake news, divisive and ugly, it’s dead but annoying, like that body in your basement you still fuck because you can’t dispose of it without leaving evidence.


What happened to MINDLESSLY showing your tits, like the retard body with tits that you are….you see, you give an actor and her production company a calculated chance and they think they are more important than they are…

Chastain has NEVER been influential and in her angry senior old lady years, will remain miserable, no matter how many more hits she can.

So fuck this American hating trash

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