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Feminist Friday of the Day

AS you probably know, feminism is pretty fucking annoying, because everyone’s a feminist now, and they don’t even know what it means, they just use it as an excuse for anything they do, in that whole “a guy who fucks a lot is a stud, a girl who fucks a lot is a slut, let’s reclaim the word slut” kind of way….which when reclaimed doesn’t change the fact that they are sluts….but they’ll position it as feminism.

I guess I think Feminism is bullshit, since it is an attack on women really, it’s propaganda to take them out of the family unit, and make them think working is awesome, until realizing that sex work is real work that pays better, so they can do that…for feminism.

Clearly, the whole idea that women can do everything men can do, maybe not as well, but there are things they can do that are better, is just a bunch of bored people, or society hating, human hating organizations funded by evil designed to divide everyone…..and make them miserable.

I am not saying these braless girls are feminists, but they probably are, you can’t say that you’re not, as you support replacing women with Transgenders because they are the new new

I am just saying these girls are braless, but named it in a way to trigger myself every time I do the post, because BRA BURNERS aren’t even a real thing, it’s fake news that people just assume is what the feminists did….or what feminists do in their fight against the patriarchy, that previously worshipped them as women, cared for them, held them up as the queen of the home, the mother of their kids, the key to keeping the species going, plus they have tits and we all love tits, no matter how annoying they are…..

The point is, stop the bullshit, it’s everywhere, the internet makes it worse…..unite, ideally sexually, so that we can touch the tits and not just stare at the tits…..

The other point is, braless trends in fashion speak to my soul…..because my soul loves tits.

Posted in:Feminist