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Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

If pants can’t double as a pussy hugging masturbation sex toy, then are they really pants at all?

I remember seeing some Claire Danes movie where she played a retard, which was pretty offensive in hindsight, you know since they didn’t hire a retard, and I don’t see any real difference in standing on the street corner with a helmet on, hitting two rocks together, drooling on yourself, with an erection as your arm smashes into your chest……and a Hollywood movie where the retard is endearing and the performance is called ACTING…….it’s all the fucking same offensive shit…

FORREST GUMP – I’m talking to you and your CHARADE parties with teen girls…….

But yeah, Claire Danes played a retard who made a machine to hug slaughter house cows about to be killed off to calm them down in the scary, probably terrifying meat processing plants, you know I eat meat, but I still think slaughter houses are fucking evil, since cows have souls and all.

So i can only assume all the pussy wedgies are the vagina equivalent, maybe scared or nervous out in public, nothing a pant pulled into your cunt can’t resolve……maybe nervous not being on social media while pretending to be an actual human……nothing a pant i cunt can’t fix.

All while giving me something to stare at, because leaving the house without seeing a scared vagina being consoled by a pair of tight pants, is fucking gay. Luckily, it NEVER happens. I see random pussy all day thanks to the pussy wedgie.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie