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Sydney Sweeney makes the Internet Mad of the Day

Sydney Sweeney posted up some hot titty pics from her Mom’s 60th birthday, that they had a Mechanical Bull at, because it was country themed, and Sydney Sweeney had her tits out, you know to show her mom what she made in her vagina, through unprotected creampie fetish sex with her dad!

Anyway, a few of the guest were wearing a red hat that read “Make 60 Great Again” or some shit, and the annoying parasites that have destroyed social media with their annoying angry loser approach to life, decided that Sweeney is MAGA and thus should be cancelled!

Meaning, according to twitter, you can’t wear any red hats anymore, because they’ll flag it as misinformation, domestic terrorism, patriotism, America First, and the woke idiots can’t have that!

I remember the last time I was on twitter, a twitter mob came at me for not tagging Maya Rudolph in a post dissing Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph, I was RACIST for tagging the WHITE one not the have WHITE one, and I thought to myself, what a vile place to spend time on the internet!

I couldn’t imagine the transphobic police, or the homophobic police, or the misogynist police ever seeing the humor in my jokes, so why bother putting myself in front of lame as firing squad who angrily try to destroy the lives of people!

But yeah, Sweeney puts on a cowboy hat with her tits out, rides a mechanical bull, has some family in red baseball caps that aren’t MAGA but are CLOSE enough to count, and the internet fucking runs with it, all politicized and charged!

I remember a time when we didn’t care about politics, we didn’t hate each other for our politics, we knew they were all scumbags misspending our tax dollars who didn’t care about us!

Now they try to RUIN fucking careers, like we’re in McCarthy era “ban all the communists from Hollywood”, only instead of banning the communists, they’re trying to ban the other guys!

So be careful if you put on a redhead, the woke blue haired, fat, cat people may get triggered, may decided to identify you as an unfavorable, and togather, they’ll go mental on the attack, unaware of what they are even fighting for, because EVEN if Sweeney was MAGA, who fucking cares, it’s not like she’s getting TOP surgery, which is what YOU should care about when it comes to SWEENEY!

She may look inbred, she may be inbred, but I still think she’s pretty fucking hot and th point of the story, you’re all fucking annoying, let’s focus on tits and LETTING EACH OTHER FUCKING Live without some angry, uptight, downer ruining it for the rest of us, you assholes!

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney