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Hollywood Fucker of the Day

Here’s a funny video that I don’t know the context of, it’s a trend, you know post shit I see that I know nothing about, but it’s got all the elements of a Hollywood movie I’m looking for, a dude fucking a whale of a girl on the side of the street from behind, but not some quiet street, a very public street with spectators who I guess he get embarrassed by, making me wonder if he really thought he’d get through it unnoticed, obviously some loud mouth cock block would come along and say “what the fuck are you fat fucks doing”, I mean you’re fucking on the side of the road like a fucking retard!

I don’t know why the filmer has to make it about race, I think people of all races fuck on the side of the road, and would argue that white people fuck on the side of the road far less than other cultures, but I’m just basing that off published abortion rates and statistics!

I would also argue that a girl of that size probably dabbles in more Black on Blonde content than this shit, but what do I know, other than maybe people need to stop thinking in terms of race, and start thinking in terms of degeneracy!

I would imagine that when Rome Fell, fat people had reached the point of fucking on the side of the road, so maybe historically, this is white person shit, or at the very least, olive colored person shit!

If you don’t think this is a sign of the collapse, you’re wrong!

Posted in:Videos