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Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Never too late for an Asshole poking out from beind a thong, like the creepy old guy who snuck his way onto a soroity house’s fire escape when heard they were having an orgy, you know modern times call for modern sex parties that compare with the latest porn scene they are trying to compete with!

I knew when I saw that episode of Oprah 20 years ago about how teens are tossing salad that 20 years from that point, we’d end up in a weird place where girls shame each other for not getting paid to fuck, like if you’re not a prostitute, you’re an idiot, which some would argue is the opposite of truth, but I guess they’ve never found a happy hooker who loves what she does, maybe because some of us are on a budget and the closest thing to being a sugar daddy we’ve been, has been paying a homeless crackhead 10 dollars to lick our ass but without lip contact because of the sores!

We can’t all be high class competing with the Kardashians or some shit!

Point is the asshole is an inefficient panty, but clearly their inefficiency is also their strength, so when someone calls you a retard, a failure, a loser they are scared of, realize you are the thong and they just aren’t seeing the asshole peaking out to say “Hi, I’m here and what you ACTUALLY want”, if you know what I mean and I don’t!

Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong