I'll Make You Famous…




Jojo’s Big Ass in Concert of the Day

These pics were emailed to me by a potential reader, I wouldn’t go so far to say that this site has any readers, I mean yes, these are words, but that doesn’t mean they should be read, or that they are read, or that anyone cares what they say!

However, despite having no fans, I mean, why would I, but despite having no fans or readers, someone sent me an email, probably out of sympathy, maybe as an extending of an olive branch, like when you see a homeless guy on a bench half dead on Christmas and you decide to give in and give him a dollar for his alcoholism, or drug addiction, but instead of a dollar, we got JOJO, on her comeback tour that’s been going on a few years now, because she was a huge fucking deal as a child star, so it’s only natural to keep on earning off that foundation you built, since the fans are there!

And in her comeback tour, she’s got her big ass out, her panties on stage, taking the whole job as an underwear model for Rihanna pretty fucking seriously, and taking it to the stage, because she knows, like you know, she’s more interesting to people when she uses her big tits and ass for attention, you know for people to jerk off to, otherwise she’s just another child star trying to make it as an adult star, which without her ass and tits, would be SUPER fucking boring!

Posted in:Jojo Levesque


