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Feminist Friday on a Tuesday of the Day

My internet got cut off on Friday, not that it was my internet, but my asshole neighbor who I was stealing internet from changed his password, fuck that guy but I’m back, bet you didn’t miss me or notice or care and I don’t blame you, because this site is pretty dog shit!

So here we go:

We know there’s an attack on women, the media pushing the agenda of getting women out of the house and into the home, to focus on getting money or getting the bag, being a whore to get the bag, not having a child to get in the way of getting the bag, not getting married or building a home, because there’s more money in not doing that, you know – empowerment!

Being married to the state, earning money that you pay tax on for the state, it’s all this illusion or brain washing that being anti man, except to get money out of them, instead of moral, spiritual, emotional support out of them, or worse – HAPPINESS!

It’s by design, they call it feminism to trick women into joining, because they hate women, they want them miserable, barren, working like a slave for the man, paying taxes and not because they like women and that’s a fucking fact!

These girls may or may not be feminsts, I just call them that because they are braless, BURN the bra, but even that story is a fucking lie and barely happened, the bra burning feminist, just a marketing hook to push the lie!

But braless girls, that’s fashionable, not political, horny not annoying blue haired angry miserable monsters trying to ruin our lives – I like it!

Posted in:Feminist