I'll Make You Famous…




Milf Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

MILFs, the pussy that has done what the pussy was meant to do, MAKE BABIES!

Despite what the media pushes on these young women out there, you know to live life like a gay man, because career, empty sex with random people, to scratch that itch and to not have a higher level meaningful experience, so that you can focus on making money, being a self absorbed narcissist, with no real purpose beyond consuming, so that one day, when you’re too old to reproduce because your vagina dries up and people target the younger hotter version of you, you can use that money to pay for medically assisted suicide to end it all, you meaningless, dehumanized cunt, but at least you have all those designer purses, or whatever the obsessive collectible is to replace family and kids!

The point is, these ladies did sex to completion, and are using nudes to either show that off, or try to compete with the indoctrinated girls who don’t have kids, via sex work, since it’s all about the money people, in this money based society!

In another life, I was not into MILFs, but now that the MILFs are about half my age, they can be hot, plus when you realize they’re trying to kill off women from breeding for climate change or whatever, getting them to give themselves hysterectomies to live out a life as a dude, the whole idea of a mom is almost hot, better when she’s spreading that mom pussy to remind you she is a sex object in hotter ways than seeing her being yelled at at at the grocery store by what you could argue is the worst reminder that she has sex – a shitty, loud, annoying, piece of shit kid, because society is fucked, we don’t stand a chance!

Posted in:Milf