I'll Make You Famous…




Modern Romance of the Day

It is safe to say that the internet is the number one threat against society or humanity as a whole, which I guess we already know. If you’ve been visiting the site since we started back in 2004, which was already “late” in my internet life, since I got online in like 1995, but by 2004 it was mainstream enough, with niche sites, niche communities of weirdos that minded their own business on their own favorite online community, before big tech said “DO EVERYTHING ON OUR SITE” creating an eco-system to create trends, ideas, propaganda that manipulates the minds of idiots who don’t have the mental capacity to either know better, or NOT hop on the trend, because people are generally half retard followers!

So what we are dealing with now is 15 years of half retard normies being sucked into various ideologies, none based on their own logic, all doing what they are told, while trying to be their own celebrity, hoping to go VIRAL, like one giant America’s Funniest Home Video audition tape, while being indoctrinated with porn and other cancerous concepts like BODY POSITIIVITY, leading them to producing weird porn on their own, it’s a fucking cesspool!

That’s not to say this couple is indoctrinated, it’s just to say that’s a skimpy outfit for a fat chick in a dance video, and you probably like that!

Posted in:Videos