I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

As much as I hate the Kardashians for ruining society as a whole with their narcissism, self importance, famous for nothing, ultimate manipulative pitch men, who will go to any extreme, even selling their own kids sex tape, in order to close the deal, sure it gets them paid and they don’t care about the consequences of the spell they have people under to make them into these materialistic fucks who are ALTERING their looks to look like Kardashians, EVEN when they are naturally hot chicks, it’s crazy.

But yeah, hot girls making themselves ugly faces, to follow the Ugly Kardashian trends, fucking crazy right, but I will not hate on the trend of publicly jacking pants, panties, whatever they can into cunt, to let people know that Khloe’s not a dude, because when you leave the house, STRANGER pussy is EVERYWHERE that you would otherwise not see, because you know, FASHION, so with that, here’s some pussy wedgies.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie