I'll Make You Famous…




Denise Richards Weirdness Continues of the Day

I still haven’t got the Lawyers letter to stop posting the Denise Richards nudes, so maybe she’s using me for marketing purposes, you know to recruit you dear reader onto her platform, which I am all for, if you’re into this shit, PAY the fuck up and show the late 90s babe the attention she clearly needs!

I like to hope that she just can’t afford to hire a lawyer to come after me like the other OnlyFans girls who make millions a month and HATE when their content is shared, because they are trying to control the NATURAL flow of information the internet is known for and so beautiful because of!

You know, put it to the internet, let it have a life of its own, never see it disappear because the internet doesn’t forget! They get their money from the fans, but if a fan pays the shit, let him share it with the rest of us, he paid for this shit, and focus on new content rather than POLICING the content, even if this is embarrassing content that NEEDS to be policed!

I find the whole Denise Richards, now that her daughter is 18 and not getting her child support, has decided to jump into the OnlyFans shit, only because she’s higher profile as a name, not necessary someone you think is rich as shit, or someone you don’t think is a whore, but based on her age and legacy alone, you’d expect her to not be so openly whorish with her body, you know keep it low key, but to be so public about it, when it is so gross, terrifying!

She was on a reality show, wasn’t she? Real Housewives is a big deal, making this move ALL the weirder, and all the more humilating, but I fucking love every second of it, I’m almost tempted to subscribe to encourage her to keep going!

I mean look at that thick, well travelled, old, battered, calloused, destroyed, sad labia hanging out of her shorts, its fucking brilliant, and those TITS, what ARE those, outer worldly, makes me want to save her or some shit, like I’ve said before, this is seeing your high school crush working the street corner 25 years later to feed her addiction, you have no choice but to throw a 5 dollar bill at her for a dick suck, NO CHOICE!

Posted in:Denise Richards