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Archive for the Denise Richards Category




Denise Richards and her Upside Down Titty of the Day

I don’t know how Denise Richards’ zombie tit, which was pretty much a half nipple in previous titty content she was producing for her exclusive content channels, in order to give the weirdest fucking fan base of super fans something exciting for their money…..

I mean how fucking weird do you have to be to be a Denise Richards fanboy at this stage in the game?

How fucking weird do you have to be to be such a fan you pay her a monthly fee to see shitty nudes of her rough looking 50 year old body?

TELL ME…I need to know…

So along with Zombie Tits, she’s got a Zombie Face, because she’s managed to face edit herself so hard that her face color is lifeless, robotic, AI, technology done badly cuz she’s a fucking boomer…

She decided to hit us with some YOGA, some UPSIDE down tit and it’s not very exciting, besides her nipple having been reattached….a celebration in near dead tit.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards in the Shower from Behind of the Day

Denise Richards is pretty fucking old, but that is not stopping her from producing racy content for her fans, showcasing things like her 50+ pussy from behind. The mom lips dangling between her legs like some sort of pinata ready to be beat up with your stick, only for Charlie Sheen’s aids to come pouring out instead of candy.

It’s some church bells ringing after the funeral of some terrible accidented corpse…it’s a set of balls on a pure bred dog you know they’re planning on breeding….it’s a fucking hide-a-bed ready to be unfolded and climbed into for a comfy sleep…those pussy lips are a fucking camper van ready to start a vanlife youtube channel…the thickness is impressive…

The truth is, I like a fat outer pussy lips from behind kind of pussy, the upside down V between each lip is basically the modern day thigh gap, I am just a little terrified of Denise Richards doing this kind of thing….I’ve seen older, I’ve seen worse, so I guess it’s better Denise is doing it than not…so I definitely endorse this venture.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Bare Ass of the Day

In a world where normies, I’m talking the most basic average looking mid-level middle aged midsized bitch is walking around with half of her asshole exposed, because the hemorrhoids dangle out of the short shorts….

A known hollywood whore, who bred with Charlie Sheen a notorious whore lover, showing what could be the fat build up around her labia, her body’s defence mechanism from infecting the world with her pussy shrapnel, or the off-gassing, or the chemtrails…you know doing all it can to keep that shit contained…..doesn’t seem like that crazy a concept…even if she’s 100 fucking years old, rich and not necessarily in need of this kind of content because she doesn’t have a heroin addiction or gambling addiction that ate all her money. If anything, her addiction is money and she’ll do anything she can for it.

Point of the story, Denise Richards is fun.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Reveals her Glamour Granny Secrets of the Day

I don’t know why I document Denise Richards in her retirement. I am not drawn to leathery elderly women who have a lot of mileage, but I guess it’s for the comedic aspect of a once very famous personality, married to a heavy fucking earner with AIDS, turning to seeing nudes for fun, or as a cash grab, when she’s seemingly already got cash.

Is Denise really that broke? Or is she just like the moms you see at the grocery stores in Beverly Hills, not that I’ve ever been to Beverly Hills, but I can just assume that the moms are all miserable whores who had kids to solidify their place as whores, since the rich dudes are stuck with them, so now they’re forced to raise kids and in turn compete with the kids for the male attention…

Is old lady on OF with all the surgery and RING LIGHTS to do all they can to pretend they are still young the modern day mom in YOGA PANTS pretending they are still young, competing with their daughters, bonding in their whoredom…

It’s ALMOST fascinating, but also super fucking boring.

How about her daughter’s bolt on tits!

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Applies Make-Up To her Tit of the Day

Make-up’s not going to save whatever the fuck the hackjob she’s done to her zombie tits throughout her career with fake tits.

In another era, the men’s blogs would write something about how applying make-up to Denise Richards’ tit would be a dream job. They would build off that and hit you with a zinger.

She’s got an old lady zombie tit that has the scars and battle woulds from a life well lived, a tit well used and weather.

It’s probably a good thing that she’s a titty model for her cash grab whoring, because if the tits look like this, we can only imagine what the zombie cunt would look like, but there’s never a vagina too leathery for me to look at.

In this era, it’s probably safe to say that applying make-up to Denise Richards tit would still be a dream job….because no titty too old or dead for me to spend my days powdering, it’s 90s percent of the reason I wanted to work at a funeral home, the other 10 percent was for the orgasms.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Brings the Granny Ass of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I spent a lot of time in some pretty ghetto strip clubs in my time.

If they were in Vegas, and they weren’t, they’d be a few hours off the strip in some random homeless shelter or squatter’s basement.

I am talking bottom of the barrel, end of the fucking world, garbage places that the nastiest of girls would suck your dick for 20 bucks or less.

The dudes in there were either old or homeless trying to stay warm on cold winter nights, because it was where the cheap beer was. There wasn’t even organized crime or gangsters in the place because it was so fucking forgotten and the women who worked there looked to be about as neglected as the place, which had the stinging mold smell, mismatched chairs that made no sense, carpeting that I am sure housed all kinds of disease…it was just all around sad…

The lap dance booths were on old mattresses that they likely found in back alleys, which I always felt pretty fucking weird about, but you know, if you’re in a place like that, you gotta commit to the really sad dream.

Anyway, Denise Richards’ ass reminds me of those sad, gross, dumpy, old, forgotten women…

The weird thing is that Denise Richards is doing this by choice, like she’s chose to be an internet whore in her old age, maybe it’s dementia, maybe it’s part of some sort of dominatrix fetish, or maybe she’s just as desperate as those crackwhores were for crack…..

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards in Lingerie of the Day

Denise Ricahrds reminds me of the meme that reads “Ok Granny, let’s get you to bed”….

It’s one of those, granny’s too old and demented to really know what the fuck is going on, so she just runs with it until someone who cares about her, like her grandson stops her before she goes too far….

Only in Denise Richards’ case, she’s gone to far because we’ve all been exposed to her mangled, frankenstein, cut off and put back on nipple that looks like a horror movie monster, ATTACK OF THE SQUARE SCARRED NIPPLE….

That should have been kept under wraps….

The too old for ONLYFANS proving that she’s not too old for ONLYFANS, and that at any age you can exploit the wallets of loser fans if you’ve got fans using shitty old lady sexts.

I think she would have done fine if she just posted BTS pics from her Wild Things era, pretending it is recent, but the sickos out there want recent pics of her because fandom is confusing and involves freaks wanting to feel like they are aging out with the girl…

It’s a crazy world…now get Granny to bed.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Attempts Being a Ski Bunny of the Day

So skiing is back in style, brands are buying back into the sport, models and luxurious people are participating in the sport, there are designer ski outfits that instagram hookers are buying into, moon boots are back in it to fucking win it, it’s a giant 80s revival of sorts….

I’m from the land of snow, so you learn how to ski in the womb and I’ve even worked as a janitor at a ski hill in the 90s, where I’d stare at the hot ski bunnies in their turtle necks all hard nippled.

Well, Denise Richards is on social media and on OnlyFans and despite appearing to be on the nod, she’s probably got a sense of what’s up in the mainstream…that could be why she’s on OnlyFans to begin with…just struggling to stay current.

So naturally, she did her best version of a ski bunny, but this ski bunny looks like it was already taken to slaughter to feed the family snowed into the cabin, or maybe she’s ski bunny adjacent, like a bunny’s turd….

So some ski bunnies are the bunny and others are the scat….scat that she’d likely try to eat but only if it was presented to her as a sexual task by one of her john’s…

This happened a few days ago, but probably shouldn’t have happened at all.

Posted in:Denise Richards




Geriatric Denise Richards Trying to Be Youthful and Half Naked in her Content of the Day

I remember a time when I would leave the house and I’d see these 50 year old moms in their Lulu Lemons and Uggs, basically dressed like their daughters, and I’d laugh to myself because they were old ladies holding onto the dream.

It’s interesting that that mother competing with her daughter for male attention has become producing shitting non-porn for profit on a creator platform….I mean not that interesting, these are all soulless demons who value their sex appeal as being their only value and when they start aging out, their egos and their delusions and their three-quarter life crisis compels them to do weirdness.

I’m not mad that Denise Richards self produces shitting whore content, I think it’s hilarious, I’m only mad when she pulls out her wonky tit, that thing has been to war and has come back mangled, face blown off, unable to watch it each soup….IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN..

Posted in:Denise Richards




Denise Richards Feet for the Weridos of the Day

I assume this is for Denise Richards’ exclusive content channels, which are shocking that she even has, since she’s seemingly already rich and in the industry, but maybe she’s down on her luck or has some sort of drug or spending habit, or maybe she just likes getting paid by perverts who make her feel sexy and worthy, despite being old..

Now, as long as she keeps her tits covered up, since she’s got a terrifyingly wonky nipple, I am all for supporting her in this venture, in this stage in her life, in this hustle, because starting her own brand would be a pain in the ass, when there are enough perverts to buy into this shit…

I think it’s all an amazing chapter in her career and despite looking like a weathered party girl kicked out some John’s car on the side of the road after trying to steal his wallet after a bender….I think she looks good…because maybe that’s the look I’m into and seek from the internet….Old weathered hookers left on the side of the road shoeless after a psychotic episode…her age just adds to the distress and struggle….


Posted in:Denise Richards