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Denise Richards Reveals her Glamour Granny Secrets of the Day

I don’t know why I document Denise Richards in her retirement. I am not drawn to leathery elderly women who have a lot of mileage, but I guess it’s for the comedic aspect of a once very famous personality, married to a heavy fucking earner with AIDS, turning to seeing nudes for fun, or as a cash grab, when she’s seemingly already got cash.

Is Denise really that broke? Or is she just like the moms you see at the grocery stores in Beverly Hills, not that I’ve ever been to Beverly Hills, but I can just assume that the moms are all miserable whores who had kids to solidify their place as whores, since the rich dudes are stuck with them, so now they’re forced to raise kids and in turn compete with the kids for the male attention…

Is old lady on OF with all the surgery and RING LIGHTS to do all they can to pretend they are still young the modern day mom in YOGA PANTS pretending they are still young, competing with their daughters, bonding in their whoredom…

It’s ALMOST fascinating, but also super fucking boring.

How about her daughter’s bolt on tits!

Posted in:Denise Richards