I'll Make You Famous…




Denise Richards Geriatric Porn for the Die Hard Fans of the Day

While real celebrities are in Paris for Fashion week, being fancy, high profile, fashionable….

Denise Richards is producing awkward granny smut for her exclusive content site because apparently there are die hard Richards fans who pay her monthly in hopes of chatting with her, even though she just has AI chatbots do the chatting for her, it’s the OF scam.

The reason I think Denise Richards work is more relevant, on brand, a sign of the times is because in a recessionary, high inflation, low disposable income time, whoring seems to thrive…..while things like luxury fashion die off.

You can buy a sweatshirt at the thrift store for 3 dollars that someone died in, making it more exciting and possibly haunted….or you can go to walmart and spend 20 dollars on a sweatshirt….you do not need to spend 1000 dollars on the same sweatshirt that is branded by some asshole fashion brand scamming you….

But you don’t hold back on spending on pussy….

That being said, Denise Richards exclusive content porn is so bad it feels like a parody, an SNL skit, SATIRE….and that makes it more fun…..

When it’s probably just an old whore trying to adapt to new whore technology and doing it badly….which also makes it funny.

So Richards may be bottom feeding trash, but she’s more relevant or at least on the pulse of what the world wants than those other fashion cunts who think they are important being invited to bullshit fashion shows….

Get with the times!

Posted in:Denise Richards


