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Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back panties are panties too, after years of perversion, panty sniffing, panty buying, panty raiding, panty stealing from the laundromat, panty borrowing from people who have been kind enough to let me into their homes, I have concluded that ALL panties are created equally, and it is the ass that the panties that are on that make them any less substantial than they are destined to be, in a you are only as strong as your weakest link, you are only as strong as your handlers allow you to be, and if any panty has been shamed in the world, it is not by its own merits, but by an agenda pushing propaganda and/or a shitty fucking ass!

So here are some FULL BACK panties from empowered women not scared to take ownership on a panty style that has been ostracized, criticized, shamed and degraded, treated like second rate citizens thanks to systemic racism against them!

Standing up for their RIGHT to PANTY!

Posted in:Fullback Panty