I'll Make You Famous…




Kaley Cuoco’s Geriatric Horse Fetish Pregnancy of the Day

I like horses and think they are wonderful majestic creatures, but I don’t know how pure Kaley Cuoco’s intentions are with her horse, because celebrities are fucking perverts, especially those who are rich as shit thanks to that 100,000,000 dollar contract to continue that horrible show she played the hot chick to the nerds, which people really liked for some reason, a reason I think explains the last two years of our lives, the general population are fucking morons…

Anyway, the John Ritter potential killer, we don’t know what happened on set, we just know his sacrifice got her higher profile and made her top paid talent……IS pregnant in her 40s, which is creepy and unnatural and probably because of some IVF shit that I think is demonic, but at least she’s trying to have her own baby, unlike the Kardashians who are such lazy rich people that they have hired slaves do it for them, rich trash can’t be bothered.

Anyway, I can’t confirm or deny whether she’s had sex with a horse, or if she has horse cock shaped dildos like the girls on reddit, I just know that her pregnancy during menopause seems unnatural like her fake tits! So it all makes sense.

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