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Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

If you give a woman an excuse to show her tits, it seems like she’ll jump on it as quickly as she fucking can, because clothing is a construct of the patriarchy man, and pulling a tit out is just so liberating, the ultimate fuck you to us men….in a “You stare at our tits in shirts all day like perverts that make us feel sexualized and objectified, well fuck you, I’m not going to take it anymore, I’m just going to pull my tit out and take ownership on it”…..in some backwards logic that actually benefits us titty lovers A LOT.

I guess if you give women a trending game, making flashing their tits fun, it’s even easier to get them to flash the tits for a cheap thrill, because they are just playing a game, and based on all those obnoxious signs they like “It’s Wine O’Clock” or “Family” or some other stupid pun wall art from Walmart , you know that women as a species don’t have the capacity to have their own taste, or opinion, they just go with what they think is right, and lucky for you, that’s become flashing tit!

I don’t know where this energy was when I was coming up and forced to just stare at tits in shirts, but this is evolution of the human species before our vary eyes! Women reducing themselves to TITS for their own empowerment. BRILLIANT!

Posted in:Titty Drop