I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Girls, all girls, even nerdy girls who you’d never expect to be public whores begging for male attention while acting like they aren’t begging for male attention and if you were to suggest that the male attention they got for their outfit, the male attention they didn’t ask for or consent for, while dressing like streetwalking hookers, the old school kind, but with less sadness and desperation, they’d get mad at you….

But yeah, girls, all girls, even nerdy, unsuspecting, possibly virgins, but probably not in this hook-up culture of fuck, where the least suspecting girl working your food bank where you get your canned beans botulism from is selling pics of her feet or assholes online….you know to subsidize their life cuz the food bank salary ain’t cutting it, so they better start CUNTING IT….if you know what I mean……but yeah, THOSE GIRLS, wear tight pants so jacked up their cunts that you can see the light shining through their pants when they talk, you know through the URETHRA, not that I think BIOLOGY works like that, but for the sake of this post it does, especially since Science or TRUST The science became a free for all in recent times….

So yeah, tight pants, jacked so far up cunt that I can see the light shining through it like a religious experience, with angels chanting in my head….in an “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” kind of way….is COMMON fucking practice, meaning it’s EVERYWHERE, I love it and I’d hate for girls to not repost their cameltoes to the internet, you know to broaden that audience from their local day to day perverts, especially since everyone’s an agoraphobic who doesn’t leave the house!

So here’s some CAMELTOES, because they are everywhere and love them like a first born child I never had….and would BREAST FEED them if I could….

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie