Jordyn Jones sucks at OnlyFans and annoys me because it reminds me that all these girls with all these followers are manipulating a small percentage of their audience to pay them a monthly fee to see pictures of them that you can barely jerk off to because they are mainstream or from the mainstream and not ready to fully jump into porn, but don’t mind cock teasing a little, walking that fine line, while landing on the wrong side if you were to pay her for this.
Girls wear these costumes to parties and have for the last 20 years, this is not some hot, curated, planned, professionally shot, booty content, she’s even still got her damn underwear on….
It is lazy fucking selfies, and she gets fucking paid, because all these cucks think supporting these assholes taking advantage of them is good Karama or will get them laid when it’s just cash pig taking advantage of them.
It takes a lot of retards to fill the internet, I just haven’t found them to finance my fucking life, but Jordyn Jone’s ass clearly has….
Step it the fuck up because this is trash, thonged ass and cheeky tit holding or NOT….it’s Nigerian Spam….with ass….but still SPAM…and I am mad at it because it is lazy, loww effort, quick cash grab….and it’s mean spirited, but there’s big round dancer ass and that’s ok to stare at for FREE.
Posted in:Jordyn Jones