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Feminist Friday of the Day

I don’t know any o fthese women, so I’m not about to talk their politics or their agenda pushing, I don’t really care about any of that shit, and I know it’s the reason I hate social media, it’s like LESS TALK more TITS, this whole whining, outrage, intellectualizing, giving your 2 cents on things that people genuinely don’t care about, but think they do, since it’s a trending Hashtag on Elon Musk’s twitter, is pretty fucking boring….but tits, I can get behind, or in front of, or stare at because I have nothing to do..

I will assume all girls are feminists now, it’s in the zeitgeist, it may not be traditional feminism, since they don’t have anything to really fight for, they have it all, but it’s a good way to keep us divided and MAD….

I will not assume that all girls go braless because of feminism, it’s likely more comfortable and fun to show off their actual tits….

I just call it Feminist Friday because I lack creativity…

Posted in:Feminist