I'll Make You Famous…




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

I am a firm believer that the swimsuit is the fall of society…because the internet ruined society….while providing us with a lot of smut to distract ourselves with….so much free smut all for their stamp of approval seeking…

Bikinis were the gateway drug to get people online, to distract them and now we’ve got comedians have to now be henchmen for political parties, there was a time when comedian connected with the common man by making fun of everything.

Now the common man have to be henchmen for political parties, what happened to the common man not giving a shit because he knew they would fuck him up the ass either way, no matter what color the tie was, no matter what bullshit they preached.

It all died with sarcasm. Which died because of the internet turning Everyone into literal autistics, who only understand literal things, and believe everything they read as someone pushing fact…and that is because the internet can be owned and manipulated by big pockets

But swimsuit pics make the blow a little easier…

Posted in:swimsuit