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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know whether weed was sent her from god for all you motherfuckers to have all you need from one miracle plant, but it definitely seems that way.

That shit would destroy big pharma, or at least curb the opiate crisis and anti-depressant dependency if more people committed to the cause….it apparently fights cancer and reduces tumors and has a bunch of industrial applications, so OBVIOUSLY they made it illegal, the people at the top like to stay at the top and the idea you can grow something in the backyard to take money out of their pockets is a crazy one…

Weed has been a victim of bad marketing, bad reputation,, shit talking, even by the people who close-case smoke it, but these girls are out here DEFYING all that….fighting for the legalization like they have here in Canada, even though it’s probably still regulated and making the same people who hated it, or fought it rich, but who cares, you can just get stoned and not worry about all the bullshit out there you have NO control over because the SYSTEM is rigged and we are the slaves, NOT free, being whipped and oppressed, kept down….but nothing getting HIGH won’t improve while we wait out dying…

Posted in:Weed