I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

It’s Tight Pant Tuesday, which is a celebration of the ladies of the internet who are showing off their tight pants, because we can’t just spend our days reading descriptions of Harvey Weinstein’s fleshy, fish-like, cut off and sewed back on, gangrenous, testicles strapped to his leg, orange cum generating cock that the media seems to love talking about and that his accusers seem to remember so well considering he allegedly raped them from behind…

You know, sometimes, like when doing menial chores or errands, the tight pants are the MUCH needed relief….that help us release….

So here are some TIGHT PANTS TUESDAY..because bitches, they wear tight pants but that doesn’t mean you can rape them, but if you do because they are wearing seductive clothing that shows off their cunts, they’ll remember your dick in detail for 25 years, even if you do them from behind…..so you better not….

Posted in:Tight Pants