I'll Make You Famous…




Jordyn Jones Dance Ass of the Day

I guess Jordyn Jones is on my radar because I seem to be posting her every week, despite there being actual celebs out there being slutty, who have way more star power, despite their behavior of being low level instagram girls, as they try to eliminate the instagram girls and reclaim all the eyeballs, in a bring it back to the controlled narrative, it’s too risky having people who aren’t owned by the industry with big audiences….shut up anyone not working for the man.

Anyway, I may like Jordyn Jones because she looks inbred….or like she’s from a broken home, all poor as shit, with dirt on her face as she tries to suck dick in the back of the barn for some money to buy baby formula…it’s a fetish….

I may like her because she’s a dancer and I’ve had sex with a dancer and they basically dance on your dick with vigor even when you barely have a dick….it’s magical…even though dancing is embarrassing…

I may like her because she hustles dudes with the lowest level nudes that they pay for like the desperate low testosterone barely man cucks they are.

Who knows, but here she is.

Posted in:Jordyn Jones