I'll Make You Famous…




Megan Fox Brings Some Glamour Shots and No One Cares of the Day

It’s pretty funny that Megan Fox didn’t strike when the iron was hot, you know back when she was arguably the hottest actress, before deciding to check out and make babies with her handler Brian Austin Green who I used to say kept her in a cage, because I’m so funny….and perceptive….

The rumor is she was blacklisted from the industry for pissing some people off due to the Transformers movie, powerful people but after leaving her husband and disappointing her family, because why check out from an industry when there is money to made, even though you have money and kids who need their MUMMY…that’d be crazy….can’t let kids get in the way Casey Anthony…

Anyway, it’s been about a year since she dropped out of the TRAD life, and started dating some pornstar fucking tall skinny demonic freak, where she’s jacked her face up into some low level porn/influencer looking bitch, and NO ONE CARE.

No one is like “BRING MEGAN FOX BACK”….MAKE HER INTERCHANGEABLE WITH ALL THE TRASH THAT GETS NAKED ON INSTAGRAM….it’s a new generation of no one cares about celebs when everyone thinks they are one.

So Megan Fox could have had this amazingly huge career after her already huge career, but instead she looks like a paid for by the hour street whore…

Some people like it, I just like the desperation of someone I know thought she was TOP LEVEL now brining me some LOW level shit….you know, since she does this for me.

I like the conspiracy that she’s actually a man, especially since she looks like a fucking tranny….a whore tranny….and that may be what she iss…

Here she is in some slutty costume:

Posted in:Megan Fox