I'll Make You Famous…




Happy Thanksgivings, Losers of the Day

I realize that there used to be a hell of a lot more losers who would roll through these parts…back in the day, I’ve been doing this for 18 years….

I realize that I am like an old coal mining town that had the mind shut down about 10 years ago….

Or like the old diner or stripclub that was on the old highway before the interstate opened up 25 miles away…..

Which means, we may be half dead not not full dead and you stragglers, who have nothing better to do but modernize the way you use the internet….because social media may be garbage, the devil, the worst thing for society, but yet there are SO many sluts to distract yourself with….

And despite not making ANY money off your back….because I don’t make you pay me, I don’t have real ads, and I don’t have a donation box for you to send me all your damn near worthless CRYPTO…not that you would bother paying me for my work, I wouldn’t pay me for my work, I do this for way deeper emotional trauma and pain than for money….because if money was my motivator, I’d be doing dances on TikTok, or even be running my version of TikTok that I built out instead of updating this pile of dog shit….MY castle built on a SWAMP sinking into said swamp and I wouldn’t have it any other way….

The fade away is better than the ending on a high note any day. It’s far more comedic…

But the point of this THANKSGIVING post is to say that I am THANKFUL for each and every one of you strangers, we are a family who don’t fuck each other, but may masturbate to each other, but since we don’t know each other, it’s neither gay or incest and that’s a good place to be, at least from a morality standpoint.

Happy thanksigving. Losers.

Posted in:Thanksgiving