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RIP Motherfucker the Kirstie Alley Edition! of the Day

Kirstie Alley is dead. RIP Motherfucker. She had cancer. RIP motherfucker.

Some of us grew up staring at Kirstie Alley’s tits, from Star Trek for the real fucking nerds to Cheers in an era when Network sitcoms were all we knew…..to all the other spin-off shit she did over the years before being cancelled for not being a woke weirdo libtard idiot….

She was fat for the majority of the “internet” years, but still worked and more importantly pissed people off. Maybe she was contrarian, maybe she was a troll, but she mocked people getting fired for #metoo, getting fired or cancelleld without a trial, based on accusations….well that is insane. She had a point.

She was a Scintologist, so along with covering up John Travolta and Tom Cruise’s gay marriage we all assume happened, officiated by a masturbating will smith, it could have happened, who knows….but yeah, she blamed mass shootings on Anti-Depressants…another REASONABLE argument that made people mad…

She hated on the Oscars attempt at diversity….she supported Trump….or admitted to voting Trump not because of politics but because he wasn’t a politician….

She was apparently also UNVACCINATED, which her sudden Cancer diagnosis and death makes me suspicious of, but she was fat and 71, so maybe but as a public unvaccinated…along with supporting Trump…she got hate….

She also posted the QAnon slogan “WWG1WGA” after Trump was asked about Satanic Pedophile Rings running things during some event….which also made people mad…

So yeah, she was a joker and now she’s no more, it’s a sad day for the world and for that, we will remember her from a time when she was hotter:

I guess she wasn’t that hot….here she is anyway…RIP Motherfucker!!

Posted in:Kirstie Alley