I'll Make You Famous…




Rita Ora Tits Work Out of the Day

Rita Ora who is marketed as a pop star, but who I don’t think has had any pop hits, but who has managed to build a social media following, and social media is life, despite it destroying the lives of basically everyone who is on that shit, stealing your soul,, brain washing you, destroying your hopes and dreams and making you buy shit you don’t need….while also pushing lies like fat chicks ar hot…..but yeah, social media is life bro…

Because of her following and pretending she’s high profile pop star, she makes a lot of money on an international level as some sort of Host, Spokesperson….and despite probbaly being run through by so many industry people to get human trafficked at this level….has finally found love….and is married to celebrated filmmaker TAKAKAKAKAITIT WAKAKAKAKA or whatever the fuck his name is….

In finding love, she’s also found a gym, because she’s been showing off her workouts and her abs the last few weeks or month, probably knowing the signature big tits she’s known for aren’t going to last forever unless she gets some muscle behind them to stabilize them…you know…slow the rot…

I am into the working out, the big tits, the toned stomach….even if her face has some skeletor meme look to it…

Point of the story, Rita Ora got tits and abs and if you’ve seen her recent paparazzi sheer friendly outfits at some events….like HERE IN RED THONG and HERE IN BLACK THONG …..she’s also got fitness ass…

Stay fit fatties….

Posted in:Rita Ora