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Weed Wednesday of the Day

I find it pretty lame when anyone is overly excited by anything, but who fucking cares what other people are overly excited by, so long as they get naked…

If anything, I’d like to find more things that make girls want to get naked, whether it’s posing with weed or bongs or vapes as the inspo to get some naked content….or other things I find lame…..so long as they are using it as a prop in their weird excitement for something….I’m into it.

I feel the same way about dudes who are into NFL, Craft Beers, Small Batch Gins, WHISKEY, oh the Whiskey nerds are awful….just fucking drink it, love it, get drunk from it….or watch it, jerk off to it and love it, or smoke it, get naked with it, take pics of it and post them on the internet….just don’t be annoying about it….

From someone with no hobbies, I can tell you people with hobbies are fucking annoying….except when they get naked…so that is what this is about then…isn’t it.

Posted in:Weed